Koninklijke Maatschappij De Schelde
February 5, 2021A relatively quick build with only a few parts. There are no alignment pins whatsoever and the instruction sheet is rather small! That means the positioning of the smaller parts is more or less up to interpretation.2
March 20, 2021Painting done. I used the following paints: for the stand Heller Acrylic 53 Gris metallique, for the hull bottom to top Heller Acrylic 73 Lie de vin mat, Revell 45 Light Olive, Revell 75 Stone Grey and Humbrol 84 Mid Stone and for details Heller Acrylic 33 Noir mat, Heller Acrylic 2 Vert emeraude brilliant, Revell 31 Fiery Red, Revell 94 Gold and Vallejo 71.063 Silver.
The instructions call for Humbrol 107 WWI Purple for the underwater part of the hull, however that paint appears to be discontinued and I could not find an equivalent or what that paint actually looked like so just went with Heller 73.3
April 24, 2021And finished.4
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April 24, 2021
7 5 February 2021, 21:02