Across the river and into the trees
31 1 April 2022, 14:35

I was in terrain-mood again. A winter themed project was on my wishlist for a long time, AMMO by Mig Jimenez Winterizer Set was a great opportunity to get this Huertgenwald project finally started. Next some final touches and starting to paint the figures.
Looking forward to your comments and critics.
1 April 2022, 14:37

Ok then. Lets start with the critic. -
Now that this is done, here my comment: this guy has a hand for scenery. This is definitely Hürtgenwald-mood. I am anxiuos about the figures. I am sure they come out great.
1 April 2022, 14:45

Thank you Michael, indeed landscape modeling ist my favorite part of the hobby.
1 April 2022, 18:14

Morita this is great, it reminds me of a trail I walked along in Niederau , Austria.
24 April 2022, 07:53

Simon, Mark , good to have you around and thanks for your nice comments. I am preparing for painting the figures and testing out a new color range. But it will take some more weeks to get this finished
24 April 2022, 15:56

I pulled the next project from my shelf of doom to finish it.
Painting alpine miniatures is pure fun. The shovel pouch is finished, the other colors need a few more layers
28 August 2023, 18:47

Hi Moritz. Nice to see you posting again. You've been quiet lately. Good to have you around again.
28 August 2023, 20:26

Michael, Marcel thanks.
The first figure is done and placed. Tonight I will work on the second figure, to get this one finished before the weekend
29 August 2023, 10:32

Definately caught a snippet of 'forest in winter' mood. Moritz. Excellent work for sure.
29 August 2023, 12:14

Thank you mates. I call this project finished.
The second figure did not came out that good, as I wanted it. Anyway in to the next shelf queen.
P.S. I need to learn to take better photos
30 August 2023, 11:30

I'm just admiring it now, wonderful work, the vegetation is fantastic, it looks real! Congrats
24 December 2023, 14:09