M46 PattonVista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco« Prev12Next » 12345678910111213 Photo 1 of 13Commenti 19 7 April 2022, 19:00Villiers de VosBarmaley, did you paint that tiger mouth and claws on? 8 April 2022, 00:27Vladimir Autore@Villiers de Vos There were decals on the fenders, and on the frontal armor plate I painted with a brush. 8 April 2022, 08:42Dietmar BogatzkiGreat paintjob, Vladimir ! 8 April 2022, 09:02Villiers de VosVery nice. 8 April 2022, 13:29Project infoM46 Patton13 immagini1:35CompletatoTutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »