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CAS Falcon Build


24 9 January 2023, 08:59
Augie Autore
Sanding the canopy it cracked.. so now to see if I can get spare lol, or I'll be converting it to a F-16B.. which aught to be intersting
 12 June 2023, 11:51
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat.
 12 June 2023, 14:38
Mark D
Maybe you already are aware of, but there is a Block 1 version A on the Caracal sheet and Kinetic has the Block 15 version in the kit. Most obvious differences are the smaller horizontal stabilizers on the 1 and no hardpoints on the inlet, besides the black nose ofcourse. But you decide what you want to make of it ofcourse 🙂, good luck anyway, it's a beautiful camo.
 12 June 2023, 19:27
Augie Autore
Yeah so its going to be kinda Whif 🙂

So still torn between flicking it into a F-16B
 12 June 2023, 19:28
Mark D
Go for the B from Hill AFB; the colors of the tail band and nose really add to the overall looks, 🙂.
 12 June 2023, 20:33
Augie Autore
Managed to get the single seat front off.. not as easy as It sounds, so the swap is on.
 13 June 2023, 18:31
Augie Autore
I forgot to take pictures, the conversion from single to dual is more than just complete, its also a lot further ahead as she has paint on now.
Colour matching was fun, but this is it..
 13 July 2023, 22:54
Augie Autore
So resin seats and cockpit coming well.
 24 July 2023, 17:33
Clifford Keesler
Missed this one, looking good.
 3 August 2023, 03:45
Augie Autore
Thanks Clifford 🙂
 3 August 2023, 07:21
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress.
 3 August 2023, 07:23
Augie Autore
Thanks Villiers 🙂
 3 August 2023, 07:23
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic job indeed!
 3 August 2023, 08:44
Augie Autore
Thanks Robert 🙂
 3 August 2023, 09:24

Project info

12 immagini
1:48 F-16 CAS Vipers (Caracal Models CD48056)1:48 F-16A/B NSAWC Adversary (Kinetic K48004)

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