Sd.Kfz.251 Ausf C
Photo 1 of 14
23 19 January 2023, 10:59

Looks great!
One small discrepancy - judging by the emblem, this vehicle belongs to the SS (Waffen SS) division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, but the registration plate indicates that this vehicle belongs to the army (Where).
The army vehicles' licensing plates signs began with the letters WH, the Waffen SS - with the letters SS and so on.
20 January 2023, 00:02

Hi Vytautas. Correct, I built this over 10 years ago before I was aware of such things unfortunately 🙁
20 January 2023, 09:08
Album info
2012 build of Cyber-Hobby Sd.Kfz.251 Ausf C destroyed