Album (52)
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100-mm Field Gun BS-3 with YA-12 Instructions and parts
YA-12 late production towing a BS-3
Progetto: 100-mm Field Gun BS-3 with YA-12
43 immagini
Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. c Construction
So far... Basic assembly completed. Some minor things to do, but most will be painting.
Progetto: PzKpfw. II Ausf. c w/Tank crew
22 immagini
Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. c - completed
Overview album
Progetto: PzKpfw. II Ausf. c w/Tank crew
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274 immagini
Faszination Modellbau
First of all the Scalemates heroes! Christian, Frank, Ingmar, Marina, ?, Mike, Frank. Missing Thomas and Ricardo...sorry...
138 immagini
Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung Koblenz 2012
Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung - entrance sign