Album (120)
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14 immagini
Finished - A-4F Skyhawk VA-93 Blue Blazzers 
Progetto: A-4F Skyhawk VA-93 Blue Blazzers
21 immagini
Finished - A-1J Skyraider, VA-25 Fist of the Fleet
Progetto: A-1J Skyraider, VA-25 Fist of the Fleet
37 immagini
Finished - With a little help from a friend
Progetto: With a little help from a friend
17 immagini
Finished - The Calvados Dealer - Normandy 1944
Progetto: The Calvados Dealer - Normandy 1944
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120 immagini
Scale Modell Challenge 2018
German Gamblers and friends from Modellschmiede Hämelerwald and Replica Ostfalia
162 immagini
Scale Model Challenge 2017
German Gamblers Stand Display, this time in an unusual configuration