Album (30)
Tutti gli album
65 immagini
Dual P47D build
And here are pictures of Tamiyas sleepy gal
Progetto: Dual P47D commission
66 immagini
Su35 [Bort 902]
Some studio photos, more to come!
Hope you like it!
Progetto: Su35 Bort 902
60 immagini
Eurofighter Typhoon [Moggy]
First set of photos is here. Build is finally done!
Progetto: Eurofighter Typhoon [Moggy]
57 immagini
B-25J Mitchell
Few more pictures on a natural light, colour variation is better seen on a sun
13 immagini
Dune 2021 Ornithopters
They are done, really happy with these small ornithopters from Meng
Progetto: Dune ornithopters
12 immagini
BMW i8
It's a bit dusty, but I'm really afraid to touch it too much because of the opened door :D
Progetto: BMW i8
66 immagini
SU-57 Felon 
Opted for outside photos on a stand, I'm very very happy with result.
Progetto: Sukhoi SU-57 Felon
75 immagini
Lockheed Martin F-35C [Orange Hobby 1/72]
Photo shoot is done, very hard subject to ger right
Progetto: Lockheed Martin F-35C [VFA-125]
55 immagini
Subaru Impreza 22b WRX '99 [Burns&Reid]
Studio pictures are done, there will be some more, I hope you enjoy
Progetto: Subaru Impreza WRX 99 [Burns&Reid]
69 immagini
Consolidated PBY-5A (Cactus Air Force)
First batch of studio photos, I'm so happy with the result.
78 immagini
Mitsubishi F-2A (1/72 Hasegawa)
Photoshoot! Finally!
Progetto: Mitsubishi F-2A (Production 1&2)
40 immagini
Italeri Saab JAS39 Gripen C 1/72
My favorite photo :D
Progetto: Italeri Saab JAS39 Gripen C
15 immagini
Watch the birdie F14A and MiG28 Aka. F-5A Tiger
Watch the birdie
Progetto: Watch the birdie (F-14 vs Mig28)