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Album (19)

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Ultimi album del progetto

2 immagini
PanzerWerfer 42View album, image #1
Need some better weather to continue painting Shot Kal project. So we begin on the next project . . . a half-track nee...
1:35 Panzerwerfer 42 auf Maultier (Italeri 277)
3 immagini
AMX-13View album, image #1
Still waiting for some decent weather to begin painting other projects
Progetto: AMX-13
1:35 AMX-13 (Tamiya 35349)
5 immagini
IDF Shot KalView album, image #1
Progetto: Shot Kal
1:35 Shot Kal (AFV Club AF35124)
3 immagini
T-34/76 Mod. 1940View album, image #1
1:35 T-34/76 (Dragon 6092)
3 immagini
M114A!View album, image #1
1:35 155 mm Howitzer M114A1 (Bronco CB35102)
6 immagini
Panther Ausf.GView album, image #1
Ambush (camo scheme, that is) ! ! ! Way too many build errors but will be displayed at the Austin Scale Modeler’s Socie...
Progetto: Panther Ausf.G
1:35 Panther Ausf.G (Rye Field Model RM-5018)
6 immagini
Medevac Vehicle ?View album, image #1
Impromptu medivac truck ! Bust up some old ammo crates, make red cross signs, and attach to Protze. Make stretchers wi...
1:35 6X4 Truck Krupp Protze (Tamiya 35317)

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Altri album

3 immagini
Willys JeepView album, image #1
1 immagini
T34/76 (Relic of the Past)View album, image #1
3 immagini
Swedenish Strv 103C MBTView album, image #1
3 immagini
Sagger 3 (Egypt - 1973 Yom Kippur War)View album, image #1