Album (126)
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55 immagini
1/144 F-4K Phantom FG.1
Finished, all in all, im happy with the results
Progetto: McDD F-4K Phantom FG.1, Royal Navy
2 immagini
1:144 DeHavilland Mosquito "Khemed" (Tintin)
designing the decals, im using a scanned image from Blue Rider's TinTin aircraft reference book, scaled down to size.
Progetto: DeHavilland Mosquito Mk.VI "Khemed"
0 immagini
1/144 TBM Avenger MLDThis album does not contain any images.
Progetto: Grumman TBM-3 Avenger "Netherlands Navy"
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18 immagini
Mancave 3.0 (WIP)
my workbench in the bedroom, i had to relocate last year to turn my mancave (at least most of it) into a bedroom for my ...