Album (11)
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52 immagini
T-14 Arctic Camo Build
Finished the soldering. It was a big PITA to do it and took a whole weekend to accomplish, but in the end it doesn't loo...
Progetto: T-14 Armata What-If Splinter Camo
40 immagini
Modern Hog-Blacksnake Build
The fully detail-painted and weathered engine. It’s not terribly dirty so I didn’t cover it all with oil paints, just us...
Progetto: A-10C Blacksnakes OIR
1 immagini
EMB-314 Super Tucano - Build
Test fit of the main fuselage parts together with the resin pieces.
Progetto: EMB-314/A-29 Super Tucano
222 immagini
Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 - Build
A sneak peak at the coming photo shoot.
Progetto: Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4