Album (298)
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15 immagini
Space Shuttle-Mir (NASA-Roscosmos)
Some experimentation today! I tried applying some color shifting metallic art tape to a spare solar panel, burnished it ...
Progetto: Space Shuttle-Mir (NASA-Roscosmos)
18 immagini
Titan IV (USAF)
I'm calling this one done and putting it on a high shelf to make it unavailable for close inspection! Not my best work, ...
Progetto: Titan IVA (USAF)
12 immagini
Space Shuttle (NASA)
Assembling two orbiters... one for this project (bay closed, launch configuration) and the other for my Mir project (bay...
Progetto: Space Shuttle (NASA)
4 immagini
Citation Ultra (UND)
Reference photo of the subject
Progetto: Citation Ultra (NASA / UND)
2 immagini
RC-12G Crazy Horse (US Army)
Reference photo of the subject
Progetto: RC-12G Crazy Horse (US Army)