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F-4D Phantom

30th Anniversary 906 TFG AFRES

Repli-scale | No. 1010 | 1:72

Boxart F-4D Phantom 1010 Repli-scale


F-4D Phantom 30th Anniversary 906 TFG AFRES
1010 (Also listed as 72-1010)
1989 New tool
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II » Jets (Aircraft)


McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II

McDonnell Douglas F-4D Phantom II
US US Air Force (1947-now)

Designed for

This aftermarket set is designed for:

Revell (Great Britain)
Airfix by Craft Master
Revell Japan
Accurate Miniatures
Hobby 2000
1:72 McDonnell F-4B Phantom II (Revell H110)New tool1:72 F-4B Phantom II (Airfix 388)New tool1:72 McDonnell F-4B Phantom II (Revell (Great Britain) H-110)New box1:72 F-4B Phantom II (Airfix by Craft Master 1413-100)New box1:72 F-4C Phantom II (Revell H-229)New decals1:72 McDonnell Phantom F-4K (Revell H129-100)New parts1:72 McDonnell Phantom II (Revell H-110:100)New parts1:72 Phantom J. (UPC 5084-100)New box1:72 McDonnell Phantom II (Revell Japan H-110)New box1:72 F-4C Phantom II (Série Air Commando) (Revell/Kikoler H-229)Rebox1:72 F-4C Phantom II (Revell H-229)Rebox1:72 RF-4E Phantom II (Revell 0109)New parts1:72 Phantom II RF-4E der Bundesluftwaffe (Revell H-109)New parts1:72 Phantom (Airfix 493)New parts1:72 F-4 Phantom (MPC 2-1508)New decals1:72 Blue Angels (Revell/Lodela H-186U)New box1:72 U.S. Navy's Blue Angels (Revell H-186)Model set1:72 U.S. Navy's Blue Angles (Revell Japan H-186)New box1:72 Phantom (Airfix 04013-8)New box1:72 Phantom (Airfix 04013-8)New box1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4J Phantom II (Revell Japan H-110)New decals1:72 Phantom F-4K (Revell H-129)New box1:72 Blue Angels (Revell H-186-380-B)New box1:72 McDonnell F-4 Phantom (Airfix 04013-8)New box1:72 F-4K Phantom (Revell/Kikoler H-129)New decals1:72 McDonnel-Douglas F-4E Phantom II (Revell H-179)New parts1:72 F-4 Phantom (MPC 2-0205)New parts1:72 Phantom II RF-4E (Revell/Kikoler H-109)New decals1:72 McDonnell Phantom II (Revell/Kikoler H-110)Rebox1:72 McDonnel-Douglas F-4E Phantom II (Revell Japan H-179J)New decals1:72 McDonnell F-4 Phantom (Airfix 04013-8)New box1:72 RF-4E Phantom II (Revell/Takara S18)New box1:72 US Navy's Blue Angels (Revell H-186)New parts1:72 USAF Thunderbirds (Revell H-195)Model set1:72 F-4B Phantom II (Revell 4302)New decals1:72 F-4 Phantom (Airfix 04013)New box1:72 F4 Phantom (USAirfix 40040)New decals1:72 F-4B Phantom II (Revell/Lodela )New box1:72 F-4K Phantom II (Revell 0129)New box1:72 F-4B Phantom II (Revell H-110)New parts1:72 F-4 Phantom (Airfix 9 04013)New box1:72 F-4E/F Mc Donnell Douglas (ESCI 9027)New tool1:72 RF 4C/E Phantom II (ESCI 9029)New parts1:72 McDonnell F-4 Phantom (MPC 1-4302)New box1:72 McDonnell F-4 Phantom (Airfix 9 04013)New box1:72 Mc Air F-4C/J Phantom II (ESCI 9031)New parts1:72 F-4S Phantom II (Fujimi 7A-G1)New tool1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II (Fujimi 7A-G2)New parts1:72 F-4N Phantom II Sundowners (Fujimi 7A-G3)New parts1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II J.A.S.D.F. (Fujimi 7A-G4)New parts1:72 F-4E Phantom II "Shark Teeth" (Fujimi 7A-G5)New parts1:72 F-4G Phantom II Wild Weasel (Fujimi 7A-G6)New parts1:72 Bicentennial F4 Phantom II (ESCI 9033)New decals1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II (Monogram 5439)New tool1:72 F-4B Phantom II U.S. Navy (Revell 4339)New decals1:72 F-4J (Monogram 5440)New parts1:72 F-4J Phantom-II Blue Angels (Fujimi 7A-G10)New parts1:72 F-4B Phantom-II Jolly Rogers (Fujimi 7A-G11)New parts1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom-II MiG Killer (Fujimi 7A-G12)New box1:72 RF-4B Phantom-II (Fujimi 7A-G13)New parts1:72 RF-4C Phantom-II Shogun (Fujimi 7A-G14)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4F Phantom-II Luft Waffe White Milk (Fujimi 7A-G7)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom-II (Fujimi 7A-G8)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4J Phantom-II Red Devil (Fujimi 7A-G9)New parts1:72 "Toned Down" Phantom (ESCI 9043)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II (Revell/Kiko H-4338)New box1:72 F-4K Phantom II Royal Navy (Revell/Kiko H-4340)New box1:72 F-4K Phantom II Royal Navy (Revell/ceji H-4340)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4S Phantom-II Rockriver (Fujimi 7A-G1)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas RF-4E Phantom II - Wood Pecker (Fujimi 7A-G15)New parts1:72 McDonnell Douglas RF-4E Phantom-II Immelmann (Fujimi 7A-G16)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas R.A.F. Phantom-II F.3 Tiger (Fujimi 7A-G17)New parts1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4C/D Phantom-II (Fujimi 7A-G2)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4N Phantom-II Vigilantes (Fujimi 7A-G3)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4EJ Phantom-II J.A.S.D.F. (Fujimi 7A-G4)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom-II Mustang (Fujimi 7A-G5)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4G Phantom-II Wild Weasel (Fujimi 7A-G6)Rebox1:72 RAF Phantom / F-4S (ESCI 9045)New parts1:72 McDonnell F-4 Phantom (Airfix/Gunze GX-156)New box1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II (Monogram 5451)New box1:72 F-4J (Monogram 5452)New box1:72 F-4E Phantom-II 30th Anniversary (Fujimi 26102)New decals1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II 30th Anniversary (Fujimi 26103)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4 E/F Phantom II (AMT/ERTL 8825)New decals1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II (Hasegawa/Monogram 86001)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4J Phantom II (Hasegawa/Monogram 86002)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II 305SQ 10th Anniversary (Fujimi 26104)New decals1:72 F4 "National Guard" Bomber (ESCI/ERTL 9085)New decals1:72 USAF Thunderbirds (Revell H-195)New box1:72 RF-4E Phantom II Luftwaffe (Revell H-4338)New box1:72 F-4G Phantom-II Wild Weasel (MRC 26006)New box1:72 F-4E Phantom II (Revell/Lodela RH-)New box1:72 F-4B Phantom II U.S. Navy (Revell/Kiko H-4339)New box1:72 F-4B Phantom II & F-16A Fighting Falcon (Revell 8908)Model set1:72 F-4J Phantom II (Hasegawa 04101)New tool1:72 F-4B/N Phantom II (Hasegawa 04103)New parts1:72 F-4C Phantom II (Hasegawa 04104)New parts1:72 F-4D Phantom II (Hasegawa 04105)New parts1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II (Hasegawa 04107)New parts1:72 F-4J/S Phantom (Hasegawa 04302)Rebox1:72 F-4S Phantom II (Hasegawa KA2)New parts1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II (Monogram 5451)New box1:72 F-4J (Monogram 5452)New box1:72 F-4B Phantom-II (Fujimi G-11)New box1:72 McDonnell Douglas R.A.F. Phantom-II F.3 Tiger (Fujimi G-17)New box1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4S Phantom-II Rockriver (Fujimi G1)New box1:72 McDonnell F-4 Phantom (Airfix 04013)New box1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4S Phantom II (AMT/ERTL 8692)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4C/J Phantom II (Kiddyland HF-33)New tool1:72 F-4J Phantom II (Revell 4392)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II (Hasegawa 04106)New parts1:72 F-4G Phantom II `Wild Weasel´ (Hasegawa 04108)New parts1:72 RF-4B Phantom II (Hasegawa 04109)New parts1:72 RF-4C Phantom II (Hasegawa 04110)New parts1:72 RF-4E Phantom II (Hasegawa 04111)New parts1:72 F-4J Phantom II `Blue Angels´ (Hasegawa 51551)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II `Thunderbirds´ (Hasegawa 51552)New decals1:72 BICENTENNIAL F-4 Phantom II (Kiddyland KM-13)New parts1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4S Phantom II (Kiddyland KM-4)New parts1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4C/J Phantom II (Kiddyland KM-9)New parts1:72 F-4EJ kai Super Phantom (Hasegawa 51566)New parts1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4C/D Phantom-II (Fujimi 35111)New decals1:72 RF-4C Phantom (ESCI/ERTL 9121)New parts1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II (Hasegawa 51082)New parts1:72 F-4EJ 305SQ 20th Anniversary (Hasegawa 51573)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II 'Dragon Squadron' (Hasegawa 51616)New decals1:72 F-4EJ KAI Phantom II '20th Anniversary 301SQ' (Hasegawa 04161)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II 305SQ Last Flight (Hasegawa 04162)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II 'Combat Competition 1994' (Hasegawa 04163)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom `J.A.S.D.F.´ (Hasegawa 04304)New parts1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom '15th Anniversary 306SQ Komatsu AB' (Hasegawa 04363)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai '302SQ 20th Anniversary' (Hasegawa 04167)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom 'VX-4 Black Bunny' (Hasegawa 04169)New decals1:72 F-4EJ kai Super Phantom 'Gunnery Meet '95 301SQ' (Hasegawa 04170)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom II Gunnery Meet 95 (Hasegawa KA108)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas RF-4E Phantom II - Wood Pecker (Fujimi 35148)New decals1:72 McDonnell F-4 Phantom (Airfix 04013)New box1:72 McDonnell F-4 Phantom (Airfix 94013)Model set1:72 F-4EJ kai Super Phantom (Hasegawa 00384)New decals1:72 F-4EJ kai Phantom II 'ADTW 40th Anniversary' (Hasegawa 04171)New decals1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II (Hasegawa 04301)New decals1:72 F-4B/N Phantom II (Hasegawa 04303)New box1:72 F-4E Phantom II (Hasegawa 04305)New box1:72 RF-4B/C/E Phantom II 'Recon Phantom' (Hasegawa 04307)New parts1:72 F-4EJ Kai SUPER PHANTOM 'TAC AIR MEET 1996 KOMATSU' (Hasegawa 04361)New decals1:72 Phantom FGR. Mk.3 'Royal Air Force' (Hasegawa 04362)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4C/D/J Phantom II (Fujimi 72101)New parts1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4E/EJ Phantom II (Fujimi 72102)New parts1:72 McDonnell Douglas RF-4C/E Phantom II (Fujimi 72103)New parts1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom 'J.A.S.D.F.' (Hasegawa SL12)New decals1:72 F-4B/N Phantom II (Fujimi 72104)New parts1:72 F-4E/F Phantom II (Fujimi 72105)New parts1:72 RF-4B/E Phantom II (Fujimi 72106)New parts1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II 'ACM Competition 1997 Nyutabaru' (Hasegawa 04364)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '8th SQ. Panthers' (Hasegawa 04365)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II ` ACM Competition 1998 301SQ,302SQ' (Hasegawa 04366)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom 'ACM Competition 1998 8SQ' (Hasegawa 04367)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II (Airfix 3054)Model set1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom '1999 Air Combat Meet' (Hasegawa 00032)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II (Hasegawa 04165)New decals1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-4E/EJ Phantom II (Fujimi K-2S1)New decals1:72 McDonnell F-4 Phantom (Airfix 4013)New box1:72 4E Phantom Thunderbird (Revell/Lodela )New decals1:72 F-4 Phantom (Revell/Lodela 2233)New decals1:72 F-8E Crusader & F-4B Phantom II (Revell 6167)Model set1:72 RF-4B Phantom II 'VMFP-3 Black Special' (Hasegawa 00056)New decals1:72 F-4EJ-Kai Super Phantom 'Aggressor Faker' (Hasegawa 00058)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II 'VX4 Vandy 76' (Hasegawa 00064)New decals1:72 RF-4B Recon Phantom II 'Spirit of America' (Hasegawa 00071)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II 'Show Time 100' (Hasegawa 00081)New decals1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II `MiG Killer´ (Hasegawa 00089)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom '2000 Air Combat Meet' (Hasegawa 00091)New decals1:72 F-4B/N Phantom II 'Screaming Eagles' (Hasegawa 00151)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II `5000th Phantom´ (Hasegawa 00158)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom `J.A.S.D.F. 40th Anniversary´ (Hasegawa 04166)New decals1:72 F-4EJ 'KAI' (Hasegawa 65605)New decals1:72 F-4S Phantom II (Hasegawa 00067)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom 'Black Panther' (Hasegawa 00173)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom 'Air Combat Meet 2001' (Hasegawa 00193)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II `Bicentennial´ (Hasegawa 00270)New decals1:72 F-4F Phantom II `JG71 Special Painting´ (Hasegawa 00285)New decals1:72 YF-4E Phantom II `Edwards AFB´ (Hasegawa 00294)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II `IDF´ (Hasegawa 00297)New decals1:72 F-4S Phantom II 'Vandy 75' (Hasegawa 00352)New decals1:72 F-4B/N Phantom II 'Sundowners VF-111' (Hasegawa 00365)New decals1:72 F-4N Phantom II 'Jolly Rogers VF-84' (Hasegawa 00367)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom 'Air Combat Meet 2002' (Hasegawa 00369)New decals1:72 F-4S Phantom II 'USS Midway' (Hasegawa 00394)New decals1:72 RF-4EJ 'Recon Phantom' (Hasegawa 04164)New parts1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II J.A.S.D.F. "Sharkmouth" (Fujimi 72137)New decals1:72 QF-4N Phantom II 'Drone' (Hasegawa 00604)New decals1:72 F-110A Phantom II (Hasegawa 00618)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom '8Sq Panthers' (Hasegawa 00637)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom `Okinawa Special 2002´ (Hasegawa 00638)New decals1:72 F-4B/N Phantom II 'MiG Eater' (Hasegawa 00640)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II 'Air Combat Meet 2003' (Hasegawa 00645)New decals1:72 F-4F Phantom II 'JG74 20th Anniversary' (Hasegawa 00651)New decals1:72 RF-4B Phantom II `VMFP-3´ (Hasegawa 00657)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '301SQ 30th Anniversary' (Hasegawa 00693)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II 'Liberty Bell' (Hasegawa 00712)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II 'Air Combat Meet 2004' (Hasegawa 00731)New decals1:72 RF-4C Phantom II '192nd TRS' (Hasegawa 00742)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II 'J.A.S.D.F. 50th Anniversary' (Hasegawa 00759)New decals1:72 RF-4B Phantom II (Fujimi 72160)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II Thunderbirds (Fujimi 72166)New box1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II (Fujimi 72174)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II 'MiG Silhouette' (Hasegawa 00752)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II `J.A.S.D.F. 50th Anniversary´ (Hasegawa 00762)New decals1:72 F-4N Phantom II `VF-202´ (Hasegawa 00771)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II `501SQ Shark Teeth´ (Hasegawa 00772)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '302SQ 30th Anniversary' (Hasegawa 00777)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II '301SQ '90 Air Combat Meet Special' (Hasegawa 00782)New decals1:72 RF-4C Phantom II `U.S.A.F. Special´ (Hasegawa 00787)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II 'AG52 Special Painting' (Hasegawa 00788)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II `Phabulous Phantom´ (Hasegawa 00790)New decals1:72 RF-4C Phantom II 'U.S.A.F.' (Hasegawa 00791)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II Blue Angels (Fujimi 72178)New box1:72 F-4S Phantom II Black Bunny (Fujimi 72180)New box1:72 F-4B Phantom II `VF-14 Tophatters´ (Hasegawa 00796)New decals1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II 'MiG Eater' (Hasegawa 00798)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II 'Tiger Meet 1984' (Hasegawa 00806)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II 'Colourful Marine Corps' (Hasegawa 00812)New decals1:72 F-4F Phantom II `JG72 Westfalen Special 2001´ (Hasegawa 00820)New decals1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II Vampire (Fujimi 72181)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II "IDF" (Fujimi 72185)New decals1:72 F-4B Phantom II & U.S. Navy Flight Deck Crew with Fire Engine (Fujimi 72186)New parts1:72 F4J Phantom II & U.S. Navy Flight Deck Crew with Carrier Tractor (Fujimi 72187)New parts1:72 F-4N Phantom II Sundowners (Fujimi 72199)New box1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II J.A.S.D.F. (Fujimi 72200)New box1:72 F-4E Phantom II Shark Teeth (Fujimi 72201)New box1:72 F-4G Phantom II Wild Weasel (Fujimi 72202)New box1:72 RF-4E Phantom II `IDF´ (Hasegawa 00823)New parts1:72 F-4J/S Phantom II 'USS Midway low visibility' (Hasegawa 00834)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II 'Air Combat Meet 2006' (Hasegawa 00837)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II `AG51 Immelmann Special´ (Hasegawa 00838)New decals1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II `Bicentennial´ (Hasegawa 00848)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II 'CAG Bird' (Hasegawa 00855)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II 'VF-31 Tomcatters' (Hasegawa 00858)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II '501SQ ACM Special' (Hasegawa 00862)New decals1:72 F-4F Phantom II 'JG74 Mölders' (Hasegawa 00864)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II 'VF-102 Diamondbacks' (Hasegawa 00879)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II Blue Angels (Fujimi 72205)New decals1:72 F-4B/N Phantom II VF-41 Black Aces (Fujimi 72206)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II VMFA-122 Crusaders (Fujimi 72207)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II 'Air Combat Meet 2007' (Hasegawa 00888)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II `Indiana ANG Special´ (Hasegawa 00895)New decals1:72 F-4J/S Phantom II `Ferris Camouflage´ (Hasegawa 00911)New decals1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II `Vietnam´ (Hasegawa 00918)New parts1:72 RF-4B Phantom II 'VMCJ-1' (Hasegawa 00935)New decals1:72 Blue Angels F-4J Phantom II (Fujimi 72214)New box1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II JASDF 302Sq. Naha Air Base Special Marking (Fujimi 72215)New decals1:72 F-4C/D Phantom II "Col. Robin Olds" (Accurate Miniatures 0410)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II (Accurate Miniatures 0411)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '8SQ Black Special' (Hasegawa 00941)New decals1:72 F-4B/N Phantom II 'CVW-19 Combo' (Hasegawa 00942)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II 'Indiana ANG Special Part 2' (Hasegawa 00948)New decals1:72 F-4G Phantom II `Egypt I´ (Hasegawa 00954)New decals1:72 F-4B Phantom II `CVW-15 Combo´ (Hasegawa 00956)New decals1:72 F-4S Phantom II 'CVW-5 Midway Combo' (Hasegawa 00977)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II JASDF 8SQ. Misawa Air Base Panthers (Fujimi 72218)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II JASDF 501Sq. Hyakuri Air Base (Fujimi 72219)New decals1:72 F-4B/N Phantom II 'USS Midway Bicentennial' (Hasegawa 00043)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II 'VF-41 Black Aces Special' (Hasegawa 01905)New decals1:72 F-4E/J Phantom II `American Aerobatics Combo´ (Hasegawa 01914)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '302SQ Special 2010' (Hasegawa 01919)New decals1:72 F-4B/N Phantom II (Hasegawa 01566)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II (Hasegawa 01567)New decals1:72 RF-4B Phantom II 'VMCJ-2' (Hasegawa 01922)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II `VX-4 Black Phantom´ (Hasegawa 01926)New decals1:72 F-4S Phantom II `Low Visibility CAG´ (Hasegawa 01956)New decals1:72 F-4B/N/J Phantom II `VF-84 Jolly Rogers´ (Hasegawa 01966)New parts1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II (Hasegawa 51987)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II '501SQ 50th Anniversary' (Hasegawa 01978)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II 'Iranian Air Force' (Hasegawa 01990)New decals1:72 F-4S Phantom II `VF-301 Devil's Disciples´ (Hasegawa 02023)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '2012 Hyakuri Special Marking' (Hasegawa 02030)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II 'VF-96 Fighting Falcons' (Hasegawa 02064)New decals1:72 RF-4E/RF-4EJ Phantom II `J.A.S.D.F. 501SQ´ (Hasegawa 02075)New parts1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '301SQ 40th ANNIVERSARY' (Hasegawa 02079)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II 'Air Combat Meet 2013' (Hasegawa 02089)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II `J.A.S.D.F. 60th Anniversary´ (Hasegawa 02147)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '302SQ 40th Anniversary' (Hasegawa 02161)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '302SQ Good Bye Okinawa' (Hasegawa 02182)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II (Revell 03941)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II 'ADTW 60th Anniversary' (Hasegawa 02191)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II "Ace Combat® 20th Anniversary" (Hasegawa 52137)New parts1:72 F-4J Phantom II & F/A-18F Super Hornet `Jolly Rogers´ (Hasegawa 52147)New decals1:72 FR-4E Phantom II JASDF 501SQ (Fujimi 72278)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II A.D.T.W. 60th Anniversary (Fujimi 72284)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II Air Development & Test Wing (Fujimi 72286)New decals1:72 F-4 C/D/J Phantom II Aces (Italeri 1373)New decals1:72 F-4J Phantom II (Revell 63941)Model set1:72 QF-4E Phantom II 'U.S.A.F. Farewell' (Hasegawa 02238)New parts1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II & RF-4E Phantom II 'Hyakuri Special 2016' (Hasegawa 02244)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II Air Development & Test Wing Special Marking 2017 (Fujimi 72293)New decals1:72 F-4N Phantom II 'Jolly Rogers VF-84' (Hasegawa 00367)New box1:72 RF-4E Phantom II '501SQ Shark Teeth' (Hasegawa 00772)New box1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II `302SQ F-4 Final Year 2019` (Hasegawa 02296)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II `302SQ F-4 Final Year 2019 (Black Phantom)´ (Hasegawa 02302)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II '501SQ Final Year 2020 (Sea Camouflage)' (Hasegawa 02316)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II '501SQ Final Year 2020 (Forest Camouflage)' (Hasegawa 02318)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II (Fujimi 72312)New box1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '301SQ F-4 final year 2020' (Hasegawa 02319)New decals1:72 RF-4EJ Phantom II '501SQ Final Year 2020' (Hasegawa 02322)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '301SQ Phantom Forever 2020' (Hasegawa 02355)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom '8Sq Panthers' (Hasegawa 06379)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II (Fujimi 72327)New decals1:72 Vietnam Aces vol.1 (Hobby 2000 72027)New decals1:72 Vietnam Aces vol.2 (Hobby 2000 72028)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II 'ADTW' w/Particle Collection Pod (Hasegawa 02369)New parts1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II `Last Phantom No.440´ (Hasegawa 02372)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II 'ADTW Phantom Forever 2021' (Hasegawa 02373)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '301SQ 20th Anniversary' (Hasegawa 02378)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II `501SQ 1994 ACM Special` (Hasegawa 02381)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II 'Old Fashion' (Hasegawa 02389)New decals1:72 F-4E/F Phantom II (Italeri 1448)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '302SQ 20th Anniversary' (Hasegawa 02396)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Phantom II '303SQ Dragon Squadron 10th Anniversary' (Hasegawa 02405)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II `8SQ Misawa Special 2003´ (Hasegawa 02426)New decals1:72 F-4F Phantom II `West German Air Force Splitter Camouflage´ (Hasegawa 02443)New decals1:72 RF-4E Phantom II `West German Air Force Splitter Camouflage´ (Hasegawa 02445)New decals1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II `306SQ No.379´ (Hasegawa 02453)New decals1:72 F-4E Phantom II "Mobius 1" (Hasegawa 52746)New decals


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Reference material

F-4 Phantom II (Schiffer Military History 69)
F-4 Phantom II McDonnell Douglas MiG Hunter
Legends of Warfare: Aviation No. 69
David Doyle
MCDONELL’S F-4 PHANTOM II (Spencer Pollard )
Spencer Pollard

All books » (263 in total) All walkarounds » (86 in total)