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Thread started by JohnVK

John Van Kooten
will attend
The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild in
The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild

1. January 2016 until 31. December 2020
24 June 2014, 22:03
Choppa Nutta
wow ! 11 people in on the first day 🙂 welcome aboard John 🙂
Finally, an excuse for the Jagdtiger to become beautiful 😄
and with all that photo etch too .....
 24 June 2014, 22:55
John Van Kooten Author
Thanks! 👍 🙂

Yes, it's quite the gathering, right? What do you think it means? 😛

Honestly, the photo etch actually was what initially made me put this one aside. Simply because I wasn't capable of working with it. But now I'm much better equipped, both in tools and in skill, so I should be able to make something out of it 👍

Anyway, indeed this groupbuild is a good excuse to stop being lazy and go finish this kit 😉 it's a really nice kit too 🙂
 25 June 2014, 06:14
Choppa Nutta
I am sure you will make an awesome job of it !
We have high expectations of you John, don't let us down 😄
 25 June 2014, 09:27
John Van Kooten Author
Uh-oh! High expectations are often followed by disappointment 😉 haha! But I'll do my best 😉 👍
 25 June 2014, 09:33
Choppa Nutta
haha John, I was just teasing 😄
But you do good work though so it is difficult not to predict good results from you😉
 25 June 2014, 09:55
John Van Kooten Author
Hahaha!😉 I know, mate 👍 😄

And thanks for the big compliment 👍 👍 appreciate that very much! 🙂
 25 June 2014, 10:36
Choppa Nutta
well it is true, every where I look I keep seeing such great work and then I look at my own work and it feels humbling, but inspiring too 🙂

Btw, what fo you think of the new logo and header piccy ?
nothing amazing I know but I thought it might suit the theme of the group 🙂
the TNKR abbreviation kind of looks like the word tinker as in to fiddle and faff with which somehow seems appropriate 🙂
 25 June 2014, 11:26
John Van Kooten Author
Haha! Yeah, I know what you mean regarding the humbling feeling 😉 I too see so many amazing pieces of art which are both inspiring and depressing (at times) 😉 up to the point where I sometimes ask myself if I'll EVER be able to do something even remotely looking like that!?

And the answer is always a resounding YES!

Anyone can do anything. All they need to do is commit and basically just do it 😄 some are faster than others but I'm convinced anyone CAN do anything. Talented people have the advantage of being able to get quicker to where they want to go but that's about it 🙂 less talented people may take longer but they are still also able to get where they want to go 👍

The logo looks great! 👍 And "tinker" was indeed the first thing that came to mind when I saw it 😄 LOL and it's certainly fitting!! 👍
 25 June 2014, 12:05
Choppa Nutta
Cool glad you like it 🙂
As for the gifted and talented I do think they will always be able to go that bit further than the rest of us but like you say anyone with the patience and the practice can achieve really good results in time 🙂
But it is like anything, you might not win the championship but you can still do well and for me as long as I keep improving I'll be happy (almost 😄 )
My Harrier is looking to be my tidiest model to date, as I am trying to do everything right and avoid the school boy errors and just get the basics sorted out, I'll be keeping the weathering modest on this one 🙂
 25 June 2014, 12:15
John Van Kooten Author
Easing into things always works best for me personally 🙂 and yeah, holding back a little on the weathering for the reasons you mentioned I think is a good thing 👍

I'm convinced your Harrier will look top notch once done! 👍 👍
 25 June 2014, 12:40
Choppa Nutta
shall we reserve judgment just yet ?
I've still got plenty of things I could cock up 🙂
 25 June 2014, 12:59
John Van Kooten Author
Me too! 😄 lol!
 25 June 2014, 13:31

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