Thread started by Drebin

added a new photoalbum.
51 9 March 2022, 11:20

Thank you very much Neil and Jv for your support. It will be a long way before seeing the end of this project...☺🤯
20 March 2022, 18:34

A hard an unusual model.
Interiors looking good. I also following your build with interest 👍
20 March 2022, 20:50

Thank you Cuajete and Lukasz. It's a barbarian's short run kit but if you really want to do this plane, it's the only game in town. Comparing to this kit, a Classic Airframe looks like a Tamiya...So, let's go crazy 🤪
24 March 2022, 21:13

Good luck with that kit! It is in my wishlist, I will pay attention!
24 March 2022, 21:22

Thank you Bernd. Yes indeed, it's not the easier way. Comparing to this kit, a Classic Airframes (or equivalent) looks like to a Tamiya 😁 But it's the only game in towm to realise this beautiful and almost confidential plane. I knew in advance it would have been a hard and long process, but also a good opportunity to push my limits. Sorry for the stagnation of the work but I'm very often far away from home for my job at the moment. Anyway, finishing this kit is part of the New Year's resolutions 🙂
25 January 2023, 18:41

Merci Olivier, mais je suis vraiment tombé sous le charme de cet avion. Je dirais donc que je n'ai pas vraiment eu le choix 😉
25 January 2023, 19:02

Hello Moreno, thank you for your interest. I havn't mentioned it but this project is unfortunately on standby. Indeed, I have to move a lot far from home for my job at the moment and have no time for modeling. But I don't give up and plan to be back on track in a near future. Ideally, I would like to finish it before the end of the year, among other kits. I can't only focus on it to avoid becoming crazy 😁
27 April 2023, 13:05

Ah ah! I totally understand you! ....I've just bought a resin AMIOT 351so let's keep in touch🙂
27 April 2023, 14:43

Bonjour Franck. J'ai commencé le montage du Farman 221 de Azur et c'est aussi semble-t-il un short run. Le montage est touchy . Aucuns tenons pour l'alignement des pièces du fuselage, les ailes sont à coller bord à bord sans renforts ..etc. Je comprends donc bien votre aventure. Mais comme vous, je trouve que ces vieux avions français des années 40 ont « du charme » et il n'y a pas d'autres kits sur le marché donc on fait avec. Mais avec les produits modernes , de la patience et un peu de technique ont devrait s'en sortir. Bon courage pour la suite.
11 July 2023, 19:47

Merci Neferthorus, en effet, sans renier mes premiers amours, "Têtes Brulées" et autres "Buck Danny", j'avoue trouver au fil du temps, de plus en plus de charme aux avions de l'entre deux guerres et particulièrement des annees 30 début 40. Malheureusement, les kits dispoinbles sont souvent loin d'être des Tamigawa. Je souhaiterais arriver à un aussi bon résultat que votre magnifique Farman mais l'Amiot ne se laissera certainement pas faire. Merci pour votre example qui me stimule. Au plaisir ✌️
14 September 2023, 19:17

Good Luck with the build Frank, hope it's not as difficult as my Heller MB 174. Bon Chance. 👍🥸👍
5 January 2024, 21:44

Thank you Cuajete and Mark for your kind comments. Unfortunately for me, even if the Heller MB 174 kit is around twenty years older, it's still much easier to build. With a Mach 2 kit, nothing goes well and everything is brute. But I accepted the mission 🙃🥴
9 January 2024, 09:52

Rather apt Olivier, considering I'm 62. Two stubborn geriatrics trying to reach a consensus. 🤣🤟🤣🤘🥸👍🤣
10 January 2024, 07:33

Welcome aboard but I have to apologize for the delays. Very busy Summer but hopefully, Winter will come ⛄️
26 August 2024, 15:00