Thread started by Menaivalley

added a new photoalbum.
34 3 June 2022, 14:21

Your entire Research Vessels collection is interesting - and thumbs up for expanding it by using different means: mainstream kits, 3D prints, paper models, and now scratch-building... Respects! 👍
1 4 June 2022, 14:01

Thanks Alex. The options are fairly limited with mainstream plastic kits. It's proving very slow progress with scratch building. But the hull is almost done, which is a major part of the build. I've learnt a lot so far anyway! Doing water line models would be much easier, but I like to see the hull form and propulsion.
4 June 2022, 20:51

Thanks. The hull is not ideal. It's made from Balsa wood which proved hard to get sharp and straight edges with. If I had the skills I would 3D design and print,but I don't. I would probably use bass wood next time as it would keep the edges better.
8 June 2022, 15:30

Nicely done! Interesting way of scratch build, which could also be used for aircraft.
24 October 2023, 10:25

Impressive.! And well documented to help us, lesser human modellers, marvel at your skills 🙂
1 20 December 2023, 22:13

I've got to finish this model soon. It's been nearly 4 years since I started according to this. Think I'll not scratch build a whole model for another twenty years me thinks.
15 May 2024, 21:34

I'm calling this model finished now. Just a flag and acrylic case to add, but it's all complete now. Was a long but rewarding build. I think some simpler kits now before another scratch build.
16 December 2024, 12:16