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Thread started by Motatim

Motatim Stanislaw
added a new photoalbum.
39 15 September 2022, 08:53
Simon Nagorsnik
Pzh 2000- nice!
 15 September 2022, 09:15
Robin (WhiteGlint)
There it is. 👀
 16 September 2022, 12:42
Yes I had a feeling it would take up. Some really estate and timel
Looks great so fare
 16 September 2022, 12:49
Guy Rump
Looking good, watching 👍
 29 January 2023, 21:25
Motatim Stanislaw Author
 30 January 2023, 04:38
Motatim Stanislaw Author
Ради эксперимента, я решил попробовать сделать маски из алюминиевой фольги, оказалось, что это весьма хорошая идея. Результат на фото. Никаких поддувов
 26 February 2023, 16:20
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Nice! 👍
 26 February 2023, 18:06
Motatim Stanislaw Author
 26 February 2023, 20:01
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
 3 June 2023, 11:22
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 3 June 2023, 13:13
Motatim Stanislaw Author
Thanks, mates!
 3 June 2023, 16:57
Mr James
Nice work. Not seen tin foil as a mask before. Interesting
 3 June 2023, 17:01
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Very good progress mate! 👍
 4 June 2023, 10:23
Motatim Stanislaw Author
Thanks, Robin and Mr.James!
 4 June 2023, 18:32
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Very nice work! The weathering looks really good in the final images, nice streaking effects.
 15 June 2023, 10:08
Motatim Stanislaw Author
Thanks, mate!
 15 June 2023, 10:19
Audrius N
Слава Украине! про Кубинку - выдаете желаемое за действительное
 15 June 2023, 12:44
Motatim Stanislaw Author
Героям в срало)
Желаемое за действительное это наступ из Леопардов и Брэдли, звучит круто, но есть нюанс)
Уже откатили часть этих машин в тыл для изучения, так что, Лео и Брэдли уже точно будут в Кубинке, а Пзх2000 - вопрос времени)))
1  15 June 2023, 13:07
Top work! Good presentation!
 30 August 2023, 08:30
Motatim Stanislaw Author
Thanks, mate!
 30 August 2023, 18:13
Michael Kohl
Translating the russian comments of pics and threat is interesting:
Take pic 15 for example (Google Translate): "Nazi equipment - corresponding symbols
A Ukrainian version will be made, it will go under a diorama with an exhibition of trophies in Kubinka"
 24 April 2024, 15:46
Motatim Stanislaw Author
Is there anything surprising, Michael?)
 24 April 2024, 19:14

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