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Holger Kranich
I love the Perry Rhodan books!
Perry Rhodan
Marco Polo
04850 1999 New tool
24 March 2012, 13:54
Frank Krause
Yep, me, too! I got from my father the 1st editions from no. 1 up to 450. I myself got the Perry Rhodan books from 1 to 69. When I finished till the end, I start again. Intersting, what ideas for the future they already had in the 60th.
 24 March 2012, 14:02
Holger Kranich Author
Hey Frank! You are absolutely right, these books are great! I have finished the "Meister der Insel" and i´m in the "M 87", now! But especially the first books, when Atlan appears, are very interesting and are worth to read them often!
 24 March 2012, 14:06
Holger Kranich Author
But be aware, Frank! Maybe the story never ends... A good friend of mine , actually managed to read to the actual issues and is "up-to-date", now! I think thats very impressive!🙂
 24 March 2012, 14:17
Mike Kryza
Yes - it's a never ending story and it faszinates me about more than fourty years. From this time on I'm a SF&F-Fan too. Take a look at the new start of PR called "Perry Rhodan Neo". Absolutely top!!!
 24 March 2012, 15:19
Holger Kranich Author
I know it! Its great! Youre right, its TOP!
 24 March 2012, 15:24
Holger Kranich Author
@Frank: The friend i´m talking about, started reading 1991. So you can imagine how much he read in this time, to get close to the actual issues!
 27 March 2012, 20:26
Patrick Duve
I've never heard of Perry Rhodan. I checked my Kindle and see only German editions. Is it translated in English?
 28 March 2012, 10:41
Holger Kranich Author
Hello Patrick,
its translated in nearly every language on the world. It the oldest SF-Story ever made, from the 1960´s.😢
 28 March 2012, 11:03
Petri Manninen
I remember Perry from the 70's/80's. Only 15 or so were ever translated to finnish, which is actually sad, because my german is very bad, and I really liked the stories. Maybe I should start hunting down english versions...
 28 March 2012, 12:15
Holger Kranich Author
Actually i´m at book no. 34. But just like modelling, it very time-consuming, but pure fun!
 28 March 2012, 13:44
Frank Krause
Yeah, Holger is right. PURE FUN! I'm presently with book 21...for the third time. There is also one movie existing, but unfortunately not in today's Star Wars Quality..
 28 March 2012, 14:07
Holger Kranich Author
Meister der Insel; Die Straße nach Andromeda!

I heard about the movie but never have seen it. The are rumors that Goerge Lucas would make a movie in the future😢
 28 March 2012, 14:11
Frank Krause
Uuuh, I'd love to see that!
 28 March 2012, 14:13
Mike Kryza
The old movie "Perry Rhodan - SOS aus dem Weltraum" is straight horrible!
You don't miss the film!!! - PR is a weekly drug for me. It's SF in cinemascope 🙂
 28 March 2012, 16:17
Holger Kranich Author
You buy the "Groschenromane" since fourty years? Respect😢
 28 March 2012, 17:16
Mike Kryza
The first 300 I've got from my father but then I had to buy PR from my own money 🙁 In the meantime I read it as an ebook, because I need the place for kits and my model railroad... 🙂 🙂
 28 March 2012, 17:40
Holger Kranich Author
Place, time and money is what all of us needs😢🙂!

PS: Being a single is sometimes an advantage for modeling😢
 28 March 2012, 17:54
Mike Kryza
whom you say this -
 28 March 2012, 19:02
Holger Kranich Author
 28 March 2012, 19:06
Bernd Heller
What a pitty that there are not that much plastic-model-kits from PR (aside paper + metal kits). Unfortunately PR has not a world-wide hype like Star Trek or Star Wars.

I tried to scratch OLD MAN out of Styren - but this is still an project. Maybe someday ...
 28 March 2012, 19:45
Frank Krause
OLD MAN in styrene? What scale?
 28 March 2012, 19:47
Bernd Heller
Well - I don't have it on my mind. I bought a transpartent half-ball and measured/scaled the other parts of OLD MAN from the drawings and available texts. The main problem was/is to add details on a round/bended surface ....
 28 March 2012, 20:14
Holger Kranich Author
Hey Bernd, you know that Revell offers a kit of "Old Man"?
 29 March 2012, 06:21
Bernd Heller
You are kidding! Show me ..... 😉
 29 March 2012, 11:18
Holger Kranich Author
Ah, was not Revell and made of paper, but here it is...
Old Man (PR Paper 3, No)

 29 March 2012, 12:10
Bernd Heller
I know! I added this paper-model here on SM. It was designed by a fellow of mine. But paper is not my material. I need styren or resin with 3 dimensions ...
 31 March 2012, 08:02
Holger Kranich Author
Same for me. I have some experiance with papermodells but its too longlasting for me to build them! I made the "Graf Spee" in 1:300, really a big but detailed beast!
 31 March 2012, 08:50

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