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Thread started by Redicus

added a new photoalbum.
21 images
MiG-17F - Syria - 1967View album, image #6
And finished! The SyAAF MiG-17 number 2300 as seen on an airfield close to Damascus one day (!) before the Six Day War ...
1:72 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17F 'Fresco' [Shenyang J-5] (Airfix A03091)1:72 MiG-17 Fresco (Eduard SS695)1:72 MiG-17A/P/F (Fresco A, B, C) - 37mm and 23mm gun barrels set & Pitot Tube (Master AM-72-071)3+
85 6 January 2023, 20:11
Your paintwork compensates the weaker points of the kit. Well done.
 16 April 2023, 01:18
Marius Author
Thank you for the positive feedback Mikel!

 16 April 2023, 07:21
Nice start, Marius.
Painting job and weathering looks great 👍
 16 April 2023, 18:36
Andy Ball
I didn't realise you were working on this one too? I think we've encountered similar challenges regarding fit? Yours looks great!!
 16 April 2023, 21:26
Marius Author
Thank you Cuajete and Andy for stopping by.
Andy, I am currently having 3 MiG-17s in work and I might be starting 2 more quite soon.
The work on the other two ones is slower, so I posted the Syrian one first.
Yes, we definitely encountered the same fit issues. But in the end, there are far worse kits out there.
 17 April 2023, 06:06
Bernd Grün
A nice looking 'Fresco', Marius. Great paint job and weathering. Cheers! 👍
 17 April 2023, 07:07
Daniel Klink
Fantastic Result Marius 👍
 26 May 2023, 20:39
Shar Dipree
Very nice Mig-17 👍
 27 May 2023, 06:22
Exquisite model, very fine work.
 27 May 2023, 08:15
Marius Author
Thank you mates! Four more are in work.
 27 May 2023, 14:58
Christian Bruer
Very nice work and finish 👍
 30 May 2023, 13:04
Marius Author
Thank you Christian and Cuajete! ✌️
 30 May 2023, 17:00
Mid Franconian
Great MiG! I suppose the original one did not survive Israeli air raids during Six Day War…
 30 May 2023, 17:33
Marius Author
Thank you Franconian for the comment, I am happy you like it!

I can't tell much about the number 2300 itself. But as a matter of fact, the SyAAF was by no means battered in the first day of the war, unlike the wide spread perception. I have written a little bit about this in my Syrian MiG-21F-13 project (MiG-21F-13 - Syria - 1967 | Project by Redicus (1:72)). There were plans made even before the war to evacuate the aircraft to the northern airbases in case of an Israeli attack. Since Egyptian bases were hit first, there was some time to save most aircraft. A few Syrian MiG-17s were still hit on ground, but most Syrian MiG-17s lost during the Six Day War were actually lost during ground attacks against the advancing IDF shot down by ground fire during rather uncoordinated or chaotic actions. I don't have exact numbers right now but I can recheck the literature if needed. It is hard to say how many actually survived the Six Day War, but many certainly lived long enough to see extensive action later in 1973. I am actually working on another Syrian MiG-17 from 1973 (with camouflage painting).
 30 May 2023, 18:38
Simon Nagorsnik
Top metal finish !
Really like it👍👍
 27 August 2023, 07:10
As Simon sez !
 27 August 2023, 07:18
Inspiring ! Very nice finsh
 27 August 2023, 12:18
Great job.
 27 August 2023, 17:34
Rui S
Excellent 👍
 27 August 2023, 23:47
Raphael Bernecole
Very nice model ! Congratulations ! 🙂
 28 August 2023, 08:10
Łukasz Gliński
I missed it somehow, very neat 👍
 28 August 2023, 12:30
Mr James
Top metal finish indeed. Well done.
 28 August 2023, 12:47
Marius Author
Thank you so much mates, highly appreciated! I think lightning and photography are quite important at the end. I am certainly not mastering this part.

I managed to recently finish another related MiG-17:
MiG-17PF - Egypt - 1967 | Album by Redicus (1:72)
 11 September 2023, 19:31
Andy Ball
The lighting and photography are superfluous to a great build completed! Bravo!!
 11 September 2023, 21:50
Looks like I missed this one, it's a lovely Mig-17.
Nice Mig-17 and Mig-19 collection, Marius!
 5 November 2024, 19:56
Guy Rump
Excellent job! 👍
 5 November 2024, 21:06
Marius Author
Thank you Clement and Guy!
I like these early metallic chimney pipes, especially the ones from the dark side.
 6 November 2024, 15:08

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