Thread started by deanharpster

added a new photoalbum.
18 images
Titan IV (USAF)
I'm calling this one done and putting it on a high shelf to make it unavailable for close inspection! Not my best work, ...
Project: Titan IVA (USAF)
21 5 February 2023, 21:46

I think the many shiny bands could be made with a chrome pen and some thin styrene perhaps. Chrome pens will/might have different sized tips.
6 March 2023, 04:55

I can recommend Vallejo's white putty (water based) for smoothing out cracks and other blemishes on the plastic, easy to apply and not obnoxious like Tamiya's putty. Iirc, Vallejo putty is made with marble powder I think I read. A trick is to thin it, on a platter, but too thin and there is little filling power.
Vallejo putty is best removed with a sharp blade to cut off the top, then sand it flush with coarse and then fine sanding stick.
6 March 2023, 04:56

Great tips, I haven't tried the Vallejo putty, only Tamiya white and I still have some Squadron green putty. I'm liking the Tamiya Mr. Dissolved Putty... not as toxic as sprue goo!
6 March 2023, 05:27