Thread started by Villiers

added a new photoalbum.
137 17 May 2023, 20:29

This project is huge ! Love it 🤩
I also have the kit and the idea to build it one day. Didn't look for reference photos yet. Do you already have some ?
18 May 2023, 06:37

Jennifer, Robert, Steve and Ard: Welcome aboard.
Steve, there are plenty of photographs and videos available online.
25 May 2023, 18:09

The first phase's assembly is straight forward. The only portion that I did not enjoy was using a hot blade to melt the components of thee front suspension together. There is not a lot of plastic to melt. I plan to use a soldering iron on the drive chain.
25 May 2023, 18:12

Lots of good progress, curious to see how the instrument panel works out.
31 May 2023, 08:50

Nice progress pics. Is that actual brass on the chassis or very good painting?
31 May 2023, 18:10

Jennifer, your wish is my command. The Micro Kristal Klear securing the bezels is still drying, but I am happy with the outcome.
James, painting only. First airbrush (I had to paint engine parts as well). I then cut the painting fine by hand. Thank you for the compliment.
Bughunter, you are welcome.
1 June 2023, 15:27

I am still following the instructions/assembly sequence. No major issues so far.
1 June 2023, 20:30

Thank you Ard and Bruce.
I have started on the engine. Except for drive chains the engine seems to be the focal point in as far complexity and colour. This is not a "shake and bake" kit, but I have enjoyed it very much so far. Fortunately there are a lot of reference photographs available online.
10 June 2023, 16:59

Incredible what kind of details are possible in this scale 👍 And you know I love details!
10 June 2023, 17:29

Diving into another one of these? I've missed it somehow up until now. Can't wait to see it get finished up. That engine is a work of art. It's all looking great.
11 June 2023, 05:26

Wow! A huge model. It seems that it will need a garage for storage 😀
A very interesting project 👍
15 June 2023, 17:56

Superbe travail Villiers, pour moi qui suis mécanicien c'est un vrai régal. Bonne continuation 👍👏
17 June 2023, 09:53

Thank you my fellow Scale mates for your kind words. Believe me when I say that it is humbling.
I am nearly finished with the wiring of the engine (a real mojo killer), the carburettors and fuel and oil lines.
Photographs of my adventures on page 15 of the instructions will be published soon.
1 August 2023, 12:50

Outstanding work Villers. Really love the subject and the reference photos. Your attention to detail is inspiring. Awesome work!
1 August 2023, 15:55

Richard and Hanno, Thank you for your kind words.
The wiring of the engine has been completed. Fortunately there are many reference photographs available.
24 August 2023, 14:51

I will be shocked if that engine doesn't run, by the time you have added the fuel lines, etc! Very smart and pristine work 👍
24 August 2023, 15:10

Bruce, Michael, Pietro, Kyle and George, thank you for your kind words.
At long last some progress. The wiring of the engine was difficult, but adds a lot of realism. The next steps are straight forward up to assembling the drive chains.
26 August 2023, 17:45

Ah man. It really looks awesome sitting down in the car. Fantastic work.
26 August 2023, 18:01

I've been out of the loop, so I'm a little late to comment, but I have to say that the engine is magnificent!
27 August 2023, 18:53

Kyle, Jennifer, Guy and Mick, thank you for your kind words.
Progress should be quicker until the drive chains are reached.
7 September 2023, 10:41

It's been an outstanding build to follow along with. Should I ever acquire this kit I'll certainly be returning here for reference
7 September 2023, 21:02

Kyle and JD, thank you for your kind comments.
Work inside the engine compartment is nearing completion.
16 September 2023, 07:00

Well summarized Rui!
Kyle, thank you for your kind words.
Slow progress continues.
1 October 2023, 21:14

Gentlemen, thank you for your kind comments.
The end of the build is in sight.
All those welding points as well as cleaning up points led me in assembling the drive chains led me to explore alternatives. The closest that I could find was Tamiya's Assembly Chain Set for 1/6 Scale Motorcycle, part number 12674.
22 October 2023, 06:12

I am calling this one completed. In general this is a very detailed model.
Thank you to everyone that stopped by, liked and your fantastic comments.
23 October 2023, 17:30

Wow, Villiers. That is outstanding work! And a lot of it! Well done. One day I will do this kit and I'll use your build as reference!
23 October 2023, 23:23

I agree with Tom. An incredible build and an incredibly excellent build log. Thank you for sharing the entire process. I have designs on building this one day as well and will surely return here to make my own build go more smoothly.
23 October 2023, 23:39

Guy, Tom, Kyle and Jv: Thank you for your kind comments.
24 October 2023, 08:28

Wow, nice vintage car built ! Great built catalogue you have here, very detailed.
13 November 2024, 07:02