Thread started by Kiccigiorgi

added a new photoalbum.
61 images
Field Test - Flakpanzer 341 and Rheintochter R-3
And done. Final kit review: Dragon Flakpanzer 341 >= Cromwell Models Rheintochter R3 >>> MGM MSZ 201. Was very unimpress...
18 18 September 2023, 23:39

The resemblance is uncanny, though I think the Lee was much more successful than whatever strange prototype this is.
20 September 2023, 02:52

Definetly looks interesting so far with a lot happening on that diorama 👍 Curious to see what´s next!
12 February 2024, 21:56

Sorry for the delay in replying but thank you for for the nice comments 😀
20 February 2024, 02:50

Even though I called this done I'm considering going back and gluing a few pebbles/gravel around in the areas where there are none at the moment. I think it would help differentiate the dirt, I was just a bit hesitant to before since the stones could have made it difficult to glue down the vehicles and figures.
24 March 2024, 20:32