Thread started by smokeriderdon

added a new photoalbum.
57 12 January 2024, 01:54

OK. This one has been languishing fr a couple years. I had wanted to do it for a bomber build a while ago. So I ordered the interior resin set from Lone Star. I did so not knowing how long it takes for him to do orders. So it took a while to get it. I finally get it annnnddddd, he seems to have mixed the resin wrong. The parts were still bendy. Not at all hardened completely. Argh. So everything got set aside.
Now, I dig into it again half way through doing the Boeing 377. The parts are finally set. All is well. I get the hatch areas opened up. Start painting cockpit parts. Annnnnddddd (yes, another long and) I realie I cant find the @#$%$^)_&* front wind screen. Gone. Who the ef knows where. *sigh* I manage to find someone with a "trash" kit. Already started, deals and box ratty. He lets it go for a reasonable price and wallah, a second kit. With one canopy between the two.
Now, the odds I will need the entire second kit as spares are very low. I hope. So I break out my old Mattel vacu form machine I snagged for cheap. Give this a go for the first time ever. Got it figured out and made a decent copy, but it had slight bubbles from dust. So gonna give that another go later. I used the kit front cockpit parts. The resin was not measurably better IMO. Monogram did a bang up job there. The seat from the resin kit IS much better and fits right in the kit part.
When I do a project, I hang the instructions from the peg board hooks over my work area. Just in case someone thinks its a cool idea.
12 January 2024, 01:59

OK, so I finally got some work done. Got a new puppy as my one dog is 16 and unfortunately not going to be around much longer. My other dog will be lost without a friend, so... Say hi to Odin. He is a Pit, not a dog I would normally get. But I know the lady whos dog had them and I know the dogs are quality, not backyard junk.
So he has been taking up time. But anyway, here are the pilot, nav and defensive officer positions. The pilot area I used the kit panels as they are just fine. Obviously, the two rear positions you have to use all the resin stuff.
Now, if you look at the pilots capsule, you will see it is wonky. A flat spot on the right side. All 3 seats have issues. All the seat belts are really just a pile of spaghetti with not great detail. Thankfully they are not easily seen. Again, the resin was clearly not mixed correctly. I feel like thats the reason for the lack of details that are likely there in the molds.
I got the two tubs in and the fuselage halves together. There is a decent gap as the resin tub does not fit perfectly. I carved out the plastic that was in the way, but I am not a fan of doing a lot of sanding of resin, even with a respirator. I called it close enough and used thick super glue to fill the gap.
13 February 2024, 00:49

Doing little detail things. It has just a few tires.
15 February 2024, 17:46

I am debating on which set of markings to do. An in service plane, or one of the test beds with red tail? I do have the other kit that I could build with no add ons and do the one I dont build. Hmmmm...
15 February 2024, 17:52

I also have several in smaller scales and might have the Caracal set for those. That would make a difference....
15 February 2024, 17:52

Wings together. Landing gear in for the most part. Usually I wait on those, but I wanted them done. Next up should be putting the fuselage on and doing the tail.
23 February 2024, 14:48

All the major parts are together now. Now begins the seam work, though its not too awful. Clearly the kit was not temp controlled at some point as the fuselage was warped. Made it a pain to get together, but not too awful.
And that is a 12inch ruler sitting on it. Its quite a large kit.
26 February 2024, 15:38

Jennifer, it certainly is. When its done, I plan on doing a group pic of it and the 1/48 Bone and SR-71 I have done. Take up most of the back porch. LOL
26 February 2024, 16:32

I did this as a kid back in the 20th century when it first came out. Want to do it again but need to get better at NMF before paying the $$$ it goes for now! Hey ICM, do us a favor and give a new tool, willya? Nice to see yours coming together. 👍
26 February 2024, 18:06

Following 👀 This is a huge kit. I remember selling dozens of them in the late 80s and early 90s at the old hobby store.
26 February 2024, 18:22

John, go on Scale Model Graveyard on FB. They come up fairly regularly there and you can get them at reasonable prices especially if you can get a bagged kit. The biggest issue will be getting the Caracal decal sheet for it. Thats likely to cost more than the kit. As would all the after market. LOL
Nathan, it really is a big one.
26 February 2024, 18:47

Looks to be coming along nicely Donald... A Big Beast for sure!
My brother got me a Revell re-boxing for Xmas a couple years ago. I'm not sure whether to thank him or give it back to him as a suppository instead. 😄
I suppose its not as bad as the B1 in 1/48 though. 😉
26 February 2024, 20:08

LOL James, The B-1 is a beast. It was a challenge for sure. B1-B | Album by smokeriderdon (1:48) I say dive into the 58! Have fun with it!
As I have mentioned, I have procured pretty much all the after market resin stuff, along with other stuff, for this kit, and I have been left disappointed so far. I have mentioned all the issues with the cockpit set from Lone Star. With that there are front landing gear doors. Actually not that much different from the kit doors, but I figured Id use em. Nope. These parts STILL have not cured. I could bend them just about double. Complete trash. Thankfully, as I said, the kit doors are pretty good.
On to the SAC landing gears. All pretty good EXCEPT the part that the wheels actually go on. These parts were crooked and getting them back to true was next to impossible. And honestly, not something I should have to do. Again, these are virtually the exact same as the kit parts, so I used the plastic there.
The resin wheels from Armory Models. Absolutely beautiful! Look the part much more so than the kit wheels. That being said, I almost ditched them. The holes for the pins on the model part are WAY to small. I had to drill each inner tire out a substantial amount to get them to fit. This holds true for the kit parts and the SAC part. So I am unsure as to whether they actually had the part on hand or not. Then, you would expect the outer wheels to mate positively and without issue to the inner wheels. Not the case.
So, I hate sounding like I am whining. However, when I pay 25.00 for a set of wheels, I have expectations of perfect fit and no need for modification of those parts. Or having to say to hell with it and blend kit parts where the AM parts fall short. Sorry, but I am not paying money to have to wrestle with modern tooling parts.
All that being said, she is coming along. The tires are on and most seams done. Letting perfect plastic putty dry, then some Mr Surfacer before gloss black goes on. Provided no more seam work.
4 March 2024, 17:28

I hear you Donald. It's one of the reasons I like AM sets less and less as I go on. Unless the kit parts are truly execrable, then they're often a lot more trouble than they are worth and can start to turn a build from "fun" to "pain" quite fast. If the kit is that bad, I would probably just skip it anyway.
Of course, if you want a 1/48 B-58, then it's Monogram or bust. In my fever dreams, I sometimes see an ICM (or Hobby Boss?) B-58 cresting the horizon at low level, but then I wake up sad that I have no one to throw what would probably be a ridiculous MSRP at.
11 March 2024, 16:25

John, after the amount of money I have spent on this, I would have no room to complain about whatever ICM would charge. LOL
11 March 2024, 18:13

Got the seams done, so gloss black on top. I shall let that dry a couple days and spray the bottom. Then see if I did well enough.
While that is drying, working on the F-15 egg and the exhausts. The best after market stuff so far! Awesome detail and no issues. Test fit in one of the nacelles. Perfect! So next up, the intakes.
12 March 2024, 23:30

So, all the intakes completed. Very nice! Went together great and look fantastic. Did a test fit. Had to remove a ridge on the inside of the nacelles, but not too bad with the help of the dremel. It seems that the openings are slightly oval, so there is a small but noticeable gap between the intake and the nacelle. I am trying using dissolved sprue on one and see if that does the trick.
And Odin felt it necessary to provide scale in the pics. 🙂
22 March 2024, 14:40

Plane and engines primed gloss black. Unfortunately I cant keep dust from getting on it while its drying. Hopefully it doesnt look too awful when I spray the metal. We will see. Waiting on the .5mm fan spray nozzle kit for my Grex. No way Im trying to do this thing with the regular nozzle.
3 April 2024, 00:28

Hi Donald -get a large plastic food or clothes bin from Wally world or Target - place it upside down over your drying paint, lidless - works great at keeping floating fuzz, dust, bugs, and DOG HAIR from sticking in your fresh paint - But that Hustler is going to need a huge one - like the kind you'd put blankets in maybe. Good luck - ruined paint and unnecessary sanding /picking out FOD stinks. i
3 April 2024, 02:03

I had thought of that but none of the ones I have will fit it.
3 April 2024, 02:56

The nozzle for the AB came in. Initial use is very encouraging!
4 April 2024, 01:15

That's one daring project. I commend your work and detailed updates, inspiring!
4 April 2024, 03:51

Cortex, thank you. 🙂
So, whilst working on the 105 I have also been &*^%ing around with these damned engines. I still dont have the top near the intakes done right, but this where they are now.
27 April 2024, 01:34

OK, got the engines mostly where I am OK with them. Attached them to the wings and puttied the gaps there. Now to sand the top side where they dont line up and get that all straight.
Man, this thing is a project. LOL
5 May 2024, 01:27

Got the engine pylon joins as good as Im gonna get em. Engines covered. Gotta hit the nose one more time with flat black, mask the canopy and attach it, then painting this behemoth can commence.
23 May 2024, 00:59

Got some aluminum on. I cant do anything else until I get a paint booth. The new fan nozzle throws a lot more paint than I was expecting. About gagged myself. So one is in my cart at the Zon awaiting payday.
29 May 2024, 02:01

The Aluminum finish looks great.
I see your furry companion is taking a close interest in your work.
29 May 2024, 06:48

Yep, he is one of my assistants. The other one was just watching that time. LOL
Got the paint booth set up. Its like Im professional or something.
3 June 2024, 23:43

OK, so that spray booth made all the difference. I highly recommend it if you need one. It was only 107.00 on Amazon.
So got all the main coat of aluminum on. Touch ups and figuring the panels for the different shades up next.
4 June 2024, 23:32

Worked on the different shades. Got the leading edge right, but the control surfaces arent dark enough. Dark aluminum wasnt dark enough. Guess I will use stainless.
11 June 2024, 03:19

Got all the bits on the landing gears and doors on. Working on the windows. Its pretty much at the decal stage. I am trying to figure out how to make the pistons for the hatches. One thing that would have been REALLY appreciated in that "upgrade" set but isnt there
18 June 2024, 02:02

Started on the decals. Just the common stencils. Had to stop as I found some spots I needed to sand and now repaint. Both sides. But quickly drawing to a close.
22 June 2024, 18:53

OK, so its done. 99.9% Those of you with good eyes will notice the right wing says USA, no F. I managed to ef the F up and now am waiting on a generic set of USAF decals to get here. I have a lot of those, just none large enough. I am hoping that the largest on this sheet are the ones I need.
So one pic until those get here and then I will officially close this out with my usual mediocre pics. 🙂
26 June 2024, 01:19

Looks good Donald! 👍 Bad break on the decal, but at least you didn't ef U! 😉 But could always mask and paint the F if needed since it's all straight lines. Color matching might be a pain though.
26 June 2024, 03:11

John, I have no idea how to achieve that deep blue almost black. I'd much rather mask, but that stops me.
Thank you Desert!
26 June 2024, 04:38

Very nice, Sir - Looks ready to be parked next to the real one at NMUSAF - Worth the trip if you've never been to it!
28 June 2024, 21:00

Casey, yes I have. Was just there for the eclipse. 🙂
And thank you gentlemen. 🙂
Its completely done now. There is so much I can talk about. How disappointed in the quality of the LoneStar set I am. How big this thing is and how much of a challenge it is fit wise. BUT, I took on the challenge and it looks decent. I have come to the realization that I am never going to produce these award winning builds that you see all the time. Such is life.
Now, for fun. The pic next to the Cylon raider. The Raider is 1/64. A smaller scale than the Hustler. Those were some big space ships!!!
And some pics with the other two 1/48, behemoths. I didnt do as good a job dusting the Bone as I thought. LOL The F-100 is 1/48 also to give an idea how huge all three of these things are. In real life and as models. LOL
29 June 2024, 20:14

Very nice work on this huge and old kit Donald. I think you did a great job!
29 June 2024, 20:32

So, after having made the trip to the meeting and back safely, it got destroyed at home. I wont get into how, but I was NOT happy with my daughter. I did manage to get it back together, but it now has cracks that I am not going to attempt to fix. Id likely end up messing up something else. It does still need a new nose pitot though.
16 August 2024, 15:52

Oh dear, kids and cats aren't good for modelling. At least you got your award (congrats on that) and some decent photos first.
16 August 2024, 15:58

Well, she is 29, so its not like it was a kid kid. SMH. And I dont have satans servants in my house for that very reason. 😉 Just dogs. LOL And thank you. 🙂
16 August 2024, 18:17

Oddly, these little disasters can be a blessing. I have had a couple over the years and it actually turns out I fix some things that I was not satisfied with. Just needed the "nudge" to dig in and make corrections! Sadly, your first work really looks great! I would say it's really worth it to scoop this one up and make all the repairs!!! Cheers!
16 August 2024, 18:27

Ouch, the low level mission profile was not a success in real life or plastic!
17 August 2024, 15:00

The build was excellent, but the metallic work just blew this kit out of the water - and that 1st place was well deserved. Like you, I've banned the family cat from the workspace after he decided to jump on my finished A-10A, crushing a landing gear. I hope you and your daughter can have a chuckle at the mishap later in life - sometimes it's the little cracks that makes for interesting stories and fond memories - hopefully!
17 August 2024, 15:53