Thread started by Gehills

I thought about the dio idea, but then couldn’t think of a time when armor would be near aircraft. I can’t recall a picture of armor in close proximity to aircraft, except, perhaps passing a crashed airframe. So not sure it matters. Please link a pic if you have any.
2 27 January 2024, 23:23

1/72 amour and 1/72 aircraft have existed since forever, and I have yet to see a single diorama that includes both amour and an aircraft. not a single one. So these 5 people going on about how great it is that they can do this now, I have to ask them why they've never done one before.
19 March 2024, 00:44

I'm with you, Grant. The only likely vehicle you would see around aircraft would be fuel trucks, and I'm not aware of any currently available in 1/35 scale for Luftwaffe aircraft. The decal situation is the other issue. You're pretty much locked into the schemes provided with the kit, unless you have equipment that allows you to scan a set and resize then print them.
20 March 2024, 13:02

attack on the German airfield in Tatsinskaya), battle of Stalingrad
12 April 2024, 19:29

"Community not found
There aren't any communities on Reddit with that name. Double-check the community name or try searching for similar communities."
13 April 2024, 20:51

"attack on the German airfield in Tatsinskaya), battle of Stalingrad" And yet I've never seen anyone tackle that in either 1:72 or 1:48 scale, both of which have armour and aircraft.
13 April 2024, 21:09

Well shoot. It looks like it was deleted. It was a photo of Pakistani M60 tanks leaving Mogadishu airport in Somalia, complete with wrecked Somali MiG-21's.
16 April 2024, 01:02

from the comments of the reddit post:
also on getty:
28 May 2024, 08:24