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Thread started by _th84_

Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
added a new photoalbum.
123 21 February 2024, 19:34
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
First "batch" of components ready for primer
 25 February 2024, 12:42
Alec K
Cool! Very promising start, taking a seat 👍
 25 February 2024, 14:14
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Welcome and thanks for your motivating words @Alec . First time I use something 3D printed and until now I enjoy it ☺️
 25 February 2024, 16:41
Looks great so far.
 25 February 2024, 19:40
I'm in 👍
 26 February 2024, 06:59
Promising start, watching!
 26 February 2024, 07:19
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Welcome @Nicolas, @ Rui and @DerMattes - thanks for your interest in this build 😊
 26 February 2024, 14:59
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
A small update here ... engine took my a while to get fitted in the fuselage. Didn´t work precisely enough so I got paid off when I tried to put the engine in. Anyway I solved it somehow without any major visible impact.
 11 March 2024, 20:42
 11 March 2024, 22:52
I gotta. say that I really appreciated there build posts that people share; its a real treat to see a bunch of plastic and such come together into a masterpiece! I learn so much from watchings.
 11 March 2024, 23:46
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Welcome @Skyhiker - thanks for your interest on this build @Rui thanks for your kind words, even if I don´t think that anybody can learn much from my work .... but this is exactly what this stunning community is for ... I learned so much from people´s builds here ...
 12 March 2024, 08:09
How can you handle these tiny parts .... amazing
 12 March 2024, 09:59
Alec K
Glad you solved the hurdle. Any ideas why the engine did not fit, or what the issue was?
 12 March 2024, 12:37
Bruce Huxtable
1:72? I would have trouble with those tiny PE part of it were 1:32!! Well done on your precise work.
 12 March 2024, 13:04
Great work Thomas!
Really impressed of your clean build and how you apply thiny amount of glue on all delicate small PE parts without creating a mess.
 12 March 2024, 13:16
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
thank you all for your kind words - I really appreciate that and this motivates me to constantly push myself out of the comfort zone .... thanks thanks thanks!!!! @Neuling: I know your skills so I´m really glad you came around my build: the answer is patience and a glass of good wine 😆 @Alec: as you can see the engine comes in a lot of tine parts and I didn´t pay enough attention when removing the print support and grinding the parts down properly. This resulted in a too long engine assembly. Lucky my I always spend a lot of time on dry-fits so I recognized it before starting to glue it in. Almost complete front end is made of printed parts and slightest deviations result that engine cowlings won´t fit together. Not a must to have them completely align when you show them open but I want to paint the all in one and then open the cowlings once done ...
 12 March 2024, 17:59
Thomas, will a glass of beer do ? 🙂
 12 March 2024, 19:26
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
@Neuling … who drinks beer in glasses? 😂 but I guess it will work
 12 March 2024, 21:02
 12 March 2024, 23:12
Alec K
Thanks Thomas 👍. Ehm, I need glasses to find the beer… 😄
 13 March 2024, 02:05
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
@Trez: as you may have seen in previous comments, the most important thing is to really carefully sand all components down. Tend to say do a little more. There are many components coming together (assembled engine itself, manually modified fuselage, printed cowlings, ... ) and should fit properly in the end to avoid any gaps or twists in the final assembly. I think it would be tricky even in bigger scale. 1/72 scale has no mercy in this complex assembly of the plane front end. I managed it, but didn´t upload any pictures here so stay tuned 😊
 5 April 2024, 06:28
Sergej I
Following! 👍, great job with cockpit and engine so far.
I have the exact same setup for an F-8 Würger in the shelf 🙂
 5 April 2024, 06:38
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
@Trez: I will share some when I´m back - currently traveling and far away from my bench. @Sergej: thanks for your positive feedback, I hope my experiences on this build help to make yours a little bit more straight forward 😆
 5 April 2024, 17:28
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
After a longer break on this I was finally able to restart on this build. Main engine components placed in fuselage, rivets added (as much as possible on this scale) and hydraulic tubes adde to landing gear. Now a bit of tedious work ... sanding and preparation for primer. Not much but in tricky places.
 25 June 2024, 19:39
Frank Brzobohaty
Great job, not the easiest in 1:72 scale is it Thomas? but it is rewarding when completed!
 26 June 2024, 16:21
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Thanks @Frank!! Indeed it was a challange, especially when working with these resin parts for the first time. But as you say, I hope it will be rewarding once the Würger is done 🤷‍♂️
 26 June 2024, 18:03
Juergen Klinglhuber
Looking good - realy looking forward to see the finished bird.
 13 July 2024, 20:19
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Thanks @Jürgen. Working on the main paints already … German camouflage in 1/72 is a challenge 🤣
 14 July 2024, 07:03
Shar Dipree
Looks fantastic so far. 👍👍👍
What did you use to prime the plane?
 14 July 2024, 07:15
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Many thanks @Shar! Appreciate it. I used the one and only (for me) Mr. Surfacer 1500.
 14 July 2024, 08:09
Shar Dipree
Yes, I like to use that too (Mr. Surfacer ). What gun, nozzle size and pressure do you spray with?
 14 July 2024, 08:18
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Good choice 👍 I apply the primer with a H&S Evolution, 0.4mm nozzle and about 1-1.2bar pressure. Thinning ratio about 40/60
 14 July 2024, 13:38
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Last weeks I was fighting ... fighting with myself to keep this model from trashing it. Almost by accident I learned that I planned to build it not historically correct. This plane didn't have cowling MG's, but everything was planned to display them. So I had to make a decision and decided to go historical correct and change parts on an almost completely painted model.
It was a fight in 1/72 ... some imperfections I successfully ignored in earlier building stages now payd off and made it really hard for me. It's not perfect yet and it won't be perfect ever, but I have some ideas to improve the remaining imperfections.
Definitely not a competition model anymore...
 22 August 2024, 07:22
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
@Trez: fully agree - and from this build I learned A LOT … I will finish this build for sure … some small corrections on misleading edges to be done and then I can go on with touch ups and clear coat to let the fun begin - decals and weathering 💪
 22 August 2024, 13:56
This kit looks pretty decent. It seems a lot better than the Revell kit. Were there any problem areas?
 22 August 2024, 14:30
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
The eduard kit is close to perfection - all issues I had were selfmade. The only concern, but a really small one is the orientation of the langing gear bay components. You have to be careful and put the parts together carefully almost by eye. If you dont put them in exact position it will lead to gaps between upper wing and fuselage (at least on one side). There could be better positioning. But nothing to worry ir you work precisely
 22 August 2024, 16:44
Juergen Klinglhuber
Go for it. We all are exited to see it passing the finish line despite all issues. 👍
 6 September 2024, 19:24
Looks great
 7 September 2024, 19:44
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Thanks @Jürgen and @Skyhiker! Appreciate it. Decals are applied and final (or maybe not final, we will see) matt varnish also. She is ready for the oil party 🙂
 12 September 2024, 18:08
Frank Brzobohaty
Looking better each update way to go Thomas!
 12 September 2024, 18:17
Fantastic progress 👍
 12 September 2024, 18:52
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Many thanks @Frank and @DerMattes - I really appreciate it and to be honest I did not expect this result when I think back to the times where she was close to land in the trash … happy that I didn't 💪
 13 September 2024, 06:32
Well done so far 👍
 13 September 2024, 19:08
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Many thanks @Cuajete ☺️
 15 September 2024, 15:12
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Done - some more pictures will be uploaded later. I would appreciate any feedback - thanks in advance & happy modeling. Cheers 🍻
 20 September 2024, 10:43
Impressive build with great attention to details! Congrats👍🏻
 20 September 2024, 10:58
Sergej I
This is nicer than most 48 scale Würger I've seen. Hats off, Thomas! 👍
 20 September 2024, 11:36
Really great results. Perfect paint job. That kit looks like it was made well. A heck of a lot better than the Revell kit.
 20 September 2024, 13:24
Superb. 👍
 20 September 2024, 14:52
Yes: superb.
 20 September 2024, 16:17
Guy Rump
Beautiful! 👍
 20 September 2024, 17:50
Very nice job. Fantastic painting job and result.
 20 September 2024, 18:00
Dave Flitton
Excellent job. I like the details you have added.
 21 September 2024, 03:29
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Thank you all for your nice and positive feedback! I appreciate it and I'm a bit overwhelmed at the same time. Thanks mates 🙏
 21 September 2024, 06:12
Rui S
Excellent work, indeed 👍
 21 September 2024, 11:34
Frank Brzobohaty
That is a fantastic job Thomas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! way to get it done.
 21 September 2024, 19:11
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Thanks a lot @Rui and @Frank! Appreciate it a lot. It was a hell of a ride sometimes and all your positive feedback confirms my decision not to trash her 🙏
 22 September 2024, 07:58
Frank Brzobohaty
Thomas, I expect to see a 1st or 2nd place trophy sitting beside that beautiful model some time soon!
 22 September 2024, 17:22
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Thanks @Frank!! I´m blushing, but I'm not sure if I ever show it on a competition ... in my opinion it´s not a competition model. Maybe I´m wrong ... I don't know. I´m a beginner with 6 finished models so I will have some more to present in the future .... but thanks for your motivating words - I appreciate it a lot 🙃
 22 September 2024, 18:02
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
If you are interested in the final pictures and some other perspectives, feel free to check the album: EDUARD FW190A-8/R2 FINAL SHOOTING | Album by _th84_ (1:72) Cheers
 22 September 2024, 18:07
Frank Brzobohaty
Take my word on it Thomas, that is a show winner and maybe even best in show. If this is the quality at 6 kits looking forward to see your work in the future.

All the final pics are incredible. You should make a display base for it.
 23 September 2024, 15:06
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Thank you so much for your really nice feedback! You are almost pushing me to present it on a show 🤣 I will consider it and I will also try to do a small display base - thanks again
 24 September 2024, 09:49
Juergen Klinglhuber
Excellent result 👍
 28 September 2024, 09:47
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Many thanks @Jürgen! Glad you like it ☺️
 28 September 2024, 16:41
Frank Brzobohaty
That is wonderful well done sir!
 12 October 2024, 17:18
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Many thanks @Frank - I really appreciate your feedback 🙏
 13 October 2024, 06:26
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Happy to announce this build was awarded at Nitra Model Show 2024 - really more than happy about this award considering the challenges I made myself during this build - Cheers and happy modeling to all of you ☺️
 28 October 2024, 18:29
Congrats for the well-deserved award.
Great job!
 28 October 2024, 18:55
I second that. Well deserved. Congratulations.
 28 October 2024, 19:53
Sergej I
Congratulations, Thomas! 👍 Well deserved!
 29 October 2024, 06:45
Glückwunsch! Wohlverdient!
 29 October 2024, 08:36
Łukasz Gliński
Impressive, congratulations 👍
 29 October 2024, 08:41
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Thank you guys!!!! Still struggle to believe it ...
 29 October 2024, 11:42
Alec K
Excellent, congratulations! 👍
 29 October 2024, 18:41
Well deserved recognition! Impressive build and detail level! Congrats 👏🏼
 29 October 2024, 19:09
Haro Rotl
Really impressive stuff, congratulations on your efforts and the result!
 30 October 2024, 06:32
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Thank you guys! I´m blushing and really appreciate all your positive feedback 🙃
 30 October 2024, 09:50
Siegfried Van den Bosch
Nice clean build !
 30 October 2024, 09:54
Bruce Huxtable
Very well deserved recognition of your skills, and this superb presentation. I still find it hard to believe that all that complexity is squeezed into 1:72!
 30 October 2024, 18:17
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Many thanks Siegfried and Bruce! I´m really overwhelmed by all your positive feedback 🙂
 31 October 2024, 09:30
Zsolt Czegle
Herzliche Glückwünsche!

Übrigens wir konnten uns letzte Woche in Nitra treffen! Vielleicht nächstes Mal....
 31 October 2024, 15:22
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Author
Vielen lieben Dank Zsolt! Ach schade .... vielleicht sind wir sogar bei der Siegerehrung nebeneinander gestanden und haben uns nicht erkannt. War ganz hinten und neben mir war (glaube ich zumindest) eine Gruppe ungarischer Modellbauer ... das ärgert mich jetzt. Im März ist die Scale and Paint in Wien, oder Mosonshow ...
 31 October 2024, 18:18

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