Thread started by Pinoo

marked this item as tradeable and sellable

Encyclopedia of Aircraft Modelling Techniques 1 Cockpits (A.MIG-6050)
Encyclopedia of Aircraft Modelling Techniques No. Vol 1.
Diego Quijano
2015 18 May 2024, 12:37

Hi Ronald,
Is this still for sale? and if so how much.
16 August 2024, 18:37

Hi Steve,
Unfortunately not. It's already sold en sent to the States. The other issues I do have.
16 August 2024, 19:01

Hi Ronald,
Thanks for letting me know so quickly, I guess my search for vol 1 goes on. However I do need vol 5 however if you could PM me with what you're asking for it that would be great
17 August 2024, 08:00