Thread started by Grinder

added a new photoalbum.
27 24 May 2024, 15:39

Agree with Pietro, and Neuling is right about the log, it looks really bloody good. Also, its the first time Ive seen a T34 with the engine cover up. Did you scratch build that bit?
1 25 May 2024, 11:22

Many thanks for the kind comments Villiers de vos,Neuling,Pietro De Angelis and Mr James,this model has a interior and for the planed diorama is a t34/85 with engine problems with crew bailing out.The log is a real from a dead rosemary bush.
25 May 2024, 11:36

Most Dio's have to much stuff on it, youre's how i like them. Perfect model in a realistic set up. Awesome
1 5 August 2024, 17:12

Many thanks for the kind words DuperScale,yes a lot of dio's do have to much stuff,making to much to take in.
17 August 2024, 11:43