Thread started by Handy

added a new photoalbum.
20 images
Yoda 1:4 Screamin' Vinyl Kit
Calling this one done for now. Probably will get back to it if and when my skills have evolved.
Project: Yoda on Dagobah
32 24 July 2024, 11:02

Oh this looks great Markus! 👀 👍
I am also having trouble with AK's Still Water. Didn't quite figure out yet how to use it well and I keep getting air bubbles.
14 August 2024, 06:55

That's an absolutely beautiful model Markus 😎. I think your skills are fully evolved already !
18 September 2024, 12:41

Appreciate all your comments, thanks for sticking along for the ride!
18 September 2024, 13:55

Wow Markus! I you got everything nailed down - even h the wisps of white hair!
18 September 2024, 23:47