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Thread started by stephen8718

Stephen Nolan
marked this item as tradeable/sellable
Stowage for T-54/T-55 Takom, Miniart, Tamiya
Miniarm 1:35
B35149 2018 New tool
EUR 10.00
tullow (IE)
26 August 2024, 15:55
Barry Gleeson
Stephen, is this gone yet? Only saw this today.
BTW, I'm in Nenagh, in Tipperary.
 2 November 2024, 15:00
Stephen Nolan Author
Hi Barry
Yes it is still available for sale. If you are interested in it then I can send it to you Tuesday. Postage is about 3 euros anymore than that and I will pay the extra. My PayPal address is
 3 November 2024, 13:11
Barry Gleeson
Stephen, sorry for getting back so late - life stuff got in the way. If this is still available, I'll take it. Any other 1/35 or 1/48 stuff you want to get rid of?
1  22 January, 11:24
Stephen Nolan Author
Hi Barry it's still available. I have a lot of stuff to part with in mainly 1/35 , nothing really in 1/48th for Afvs only aircraft. What period ,era are you looking gmfor stuff for?
 22 January, 15:37
Barry Gleeson
Hi Stephen,
interested in WW2 up to present day in 1/35, and in 1/48 aircraft for pretty much the same timespan.
I thought I'd ask, as you never know what might turn up on somebody's sale list.
 23 January, 11:16
Stephen Nolan Author
No worries, give me a day or two and I will see what I have left over from the IPMS ireland show.
1  23 January, 16:03
Stephen Nolan Author
Hi Barry as I have a lot of P.E and other stuff I will put up about 5 every day and you can let me know what interests you. If you are on Facebook I can send you the photos.
Check the codes on my for sale or stash page on to see what they are.
1. 3539 ATGM BMP-2 PTUR
2. 35194 JSU-122 TD
3. G35-118-36 20mm M693 BARREL
4 PS35A314 SNORKEL T-72
 28 January, 15:10
Stephen Nolan Author
35655 M-1046 HUMVEE TOW
35101 14.5mm KPVT MG BARREL
35405 KV-1B
35211 SU-100
 29 January, 17:48
Barry Gleeson
No need - I'll go down through your full sales list over the next day or two and pick out what interests me.

I will definitely take the Friul marder tracks too.

Speak to you soon.
 29 January, 20:24

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