Thread started by JohnR

added a new photoalbum.
30 15 October 2024, 16:56

Thanks Rui and Christian! The painting phase slowly comes into view...
18 November 2024, 22:06

Thanks DM! Big fan of your Sufa too, and that display cabinet is awesome. 👍
1 7 March, 02:25

Engaging build process with a fabulous result! The subtle tonal variations really paid off after your eternity of doodling over the black base, and the subtle weathering is done to perfection! ❤️❤️❤️
1 13 March, 14:43

Thanks for the comments everyone! And yes, Capt it did feel kind of eternal when doodling 😄 I have since learned when using a darker color that your doodle coat should be a lot lighter than you think you need as you can always blend coat a touch more to tone it down but if it's not light enough, poof, it's gone even with the most minimal of blend coats.
1 13 March, 15:11