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Thread started by brahoff

Brandon H
added a new photoalbum.
53 30 October 2024, 15:05
Dominik Weitzer
well well, good start!
 30 October 2024, 16:10
Alexander Grivonev
Very much following 👍
 30 October 2024, 17:33
István Szücs
I'm always happy, when I see your builds!
 30 October 2024, 19:11
Brandon H Author
Thanks guys, I think you'll like this one!
 31 October 2024, 01:22
Nigel Chapman
Are you into skiing then?
 31 October 2024, 04:43
Chris Reimann
 31 October 2024, 06:04
Martin Oostrom
This should turn out great
 31 October 2024, 08:03
Brandon H Author
I'm hoping so, Martin!

I've been skiing precisely one time (re: cover photo). Things went mostly ok, but it's not something I plan to make a pastime out of haha
 31 October 2024, 12:31
Nigel Chapman
😁 So will you be doing snow & ice weathering effects?
 31 October 2024, 16:15
Brandon H Author
A lot of it, Nigel!

Everything has primer on it now, hopefully this weekend I'll make good headway with the painting
 15 November 2024, 17:42
Brandon H Author
Painting is nearly complete... some 1:1 car drama was keeping me from getting much done for a while. Unfortunately the body came out with a bit of orange peel. I suspect it's coming from the black basecoat. Likely not a big problem, the assembled build will just get a bit more weathering. Art direction of the project can still be adapted to accommodate at this point. Next build that uses this system, I may look at wet sanding/polishing the basecoat too.
 5 December 2024, 17:27
Good work on the upholstery! Looking forward to the final result. Too bad there's no 1:24 Delta Integrale kit that includes an engine. The aftermarket solution is alright, but quite expensive.
 5 December 2024, 18:04
Brandon H Author
Thanks Marcel!
 5 December 2024, 18:16
Alexander Grivonev
Great progress! Upholstery is 👍
 5 December 2024, 19:58
Yngve N
I really want to see how this ends 😀
 6 December 2024, 08:37
István Szücs
So you painted the patern of the upholstery... OK, I have no more questions. Perfect, as always!
 6 December 2024, 11:54
Tim A
Your interior work is inspiring
 10 December 2024, 14:12
Brandon H Author
Thanks guys. Much happier with the tones on the upholstery this way. The kit decals were much too bright, in addition to being woefully brittle.
 11 December 2024, 11:05
Nigel Chapman
Yep that looks amazing
 24 December 2024, 21:54
Great looking Delta. Especially the snow looks very realistic on the car. What did you use for the snow?
 25 December 2024, 07:47
Brandon H Author
Thanks guys! The snow is a Tamiya scenery product. There's two types used here, one gives an icy looking snow, and the other a fresh powdery type of snow.
1  25 December 2024, 14:57
Tim A
The blond dude sort of resembles James May. haha
 25 December 2024, 22:34
Brandon H Author
Figures done! I'll get some natural light photos whenever winter decides to show up in my part of the world.
2  1 January, 01:54
Kesa Tiho
Usually don't care about cars but wow! Wonderful dio so far, though I have one small criticism. The snow near the bottom of the car and near the tires especially looks a little too clean/white. At least where I live, the snow near those ares of a car are brownish grey and look like a sanded down pile of rubbish glued to a fender. Otherwise It's borderline perfect.
 1 January, 03:24
Excellent Dio mate. I'm already looking at snowsuits on Amazon, for the wife. (So I can climb inside it with her 😉 )
 1 January, 04:25
Really nice dio. Nice work.
 1 January, 04:47
Nigel Chapman
Looks fantastic, which figure is you?
 1 January, 10:27
George Williams
Hey, Kesa, maybe it's fresh snow up in the mountains.
3  1 January, 11:12
So nice. A very good start into 2025! 👍👍
 1 January, 11:15
Yngve N
Fantastic! New year's eve gave us snow here and you managed to give this project the same feeling of cold weather as I can see from my window. Excellent!
1  1 January, 11:17
Bob Hall
Cool !
 1 January, 16:50
Alexander Grivonev
Very very cool. I also very much like the individual snow suit design
 1 January, 21:32
Brandon H Author
Thanks everyone, and happy new year!

The fenderbergs did get a bit of weathering, but it gets a bit washed out in the photos, as the green I went with for the Delta is very dark. I may tune the shading there to try to strike a balance between showing up in the photos and not looking too over-the-top dirty at shows.

The snowsuits, with the exception of the vintage outfit, are a selection from the Bogner and Helly Hansen catalogs, and the skis are high-end brands to match. Really trying to shore up the "rich-hipsters-up-from-Montreal" story here to explain the choice of vehicle... a nice Delta in that trim could fetch six figures, if we're talking $CAD...

Bonus points to whoever identifies the one very important detail missing from all four figures! Should be rectified soon.
1  2 January, 02:26
I don't see no helmets here ......
1  2 January, 09:09
Brandon H Author
Ok, there's two very important details missing from all four figures... not sure if I have a great solution for that one in this scale.
 3 January, 01:37
Thomas O'Eh
Sunglasses? Nice build and setting!
 3 January, 06:23
Michael Kohl
Beautiful. Project and execution. I particularly like your top weathering of the engine bay.
 3 January, 08:05
Knee and elbow pads? Failing that, I can only suggest coffee mugs?
 3 January, 13:13
Nigel Chapman
Ski passes
1  3 January, 15:25
Brandon H Author
Thanks Michael! That engine bay is a really nice piece from USCP - crisp details really hold on to the dry pigment I used.

10 points to Nigel! (redeemable at The GAP, I think)
 3 January, 16:54
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work. Nice and creative presentation.
 3 January, 17:26
Nice one Nigel. I still think a yeti, photo bombing in the background, would bring some humour to this? But I'm a mad man, anyway 😛
1  4 January, 06:30
Brandon H Author
Natural light always ties a dio together nicely, here's the final photos!
2  18 January, 16:58
Yngve N
And the final pictures with natural light and the ski passes looks very good 👍
 18 January, 17:11
Nigel Chapman
Great photos
 18 January, 17:57
Alexander Grivonev
The final pictures are just stellar, bravo! 👍
1  18 January, 17:59
Brandon H Author
Thanks guys!
 18 January, 19:30
István Szücs
What a wonderful result!
1  19 January, 14:27
Michael Kohl
 19 January, 15:42
Brandon H Author
Thanks Michael and István!
1  19 January, 19:51

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