Thread started by Rocky-84

added a new photoalbum.
24 22 November 2024, 18:34

Really nice model.... Presented in a clever way, be a shame to hide that engine work.
Like it 👍👍
22 November 2024, 20:21

Thank you! Unfortunately there is a bit of dust behind the clear part. The seam between the two halfs needs a lot of sanding and filler and I couldn't avoid it completly.
23 November 2024, 09:57

Very nicely done. I have the same kit in my stash, I'm in two minds about using the clear half or not
23 November 2024, 13:09

Thank you! The seam between the halfs was a bit of a problem due the different hardness of the plastic. I also recommend tape to mask the clear part and not a masking putty or something similar. For the canopy frames I used small stripes of black decals.
23 November 2024, 13:31

Hi Rocky.
It's not noticeable, decent job.
Yes l won't use masking putty!! it's very unpredictable!! Best take the extra time and use tape. I only use masking solutions to go over the top of tape to seal it down if an awkward shape.
I've actually had masking fluid attack the surface of the canopy on my Foland Gnat !! Was a big sand n polish job to recover it.
I do use Blue/Office Tak to mask out for camo it gives nice soft edges.
23 November 2024, 14:32