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Thread started by Roland

Roland Sachsenhofer
added a new photoalbum.
22 14 January, 13:28
Roland Sachsenhofer Author
A little addendum: a modeling friend recently said that the Piaggo Pegna PC7 looks remarkably like a shark.... that inspired me to make this drawing.
3  14 January, 13:30
Hans-Jürgen Haag
 14 January, 14:06
Looks like you have multiple talents Roland. 🙂
 14 January, 14:29
Roland Sachsenhofer Author
Thank you - and I hope you will find it amusing 🙂
1  14 January, 17:52
Master of many trades…
 14 January, 18:08
Robert Podkoński
 14 January, 18:33
Alex K
👍 👍
 15 January, 02:41
Roland Sachsenhofer Author
Thank you all for the positive reactions and I'm happy if you enjoy the drawing 🙂
1  15 January, 19:41
Roland Sachsenhofer Author
With this picture, a second image on the subject of "Piaggiopegnaichthys sachsenhoferii", I am illustrating my current condition or rather my current boredom: last week I broke my hip by slipping on a sheet of ice. Now, after a week in hospital, I'm in home care and unfortunately won't be able to go into the model building cellar for a few more weeks. Drawing is one of my ways of dealing with this model-free time - I hope you don't mind me bothering you with my drawings.
1  1 February, 15:37
Alex K
Sorry about the news, Roland - best wishes for a speedy recovery - get well soon...
1  1 February, 15:43
That really is crap news Roland. I hope you're mend soon.
I for one would love to see more of your excellent artworks. 👍
1  1 February, 15:49
Robert Podkoński
Sorry to hear that, Roland. Get well soon!
1  1 February, 16:04
Roland Sachsenhofer Author
Thank you for your words - I'll be fine, but it takes time, so it's good to be able to communicate - also why I won't be active here with my own contributions for a while. Thank you Alex, Gorby and Robert!
2  1 February, 16:06
David H
Great art is never "bothering" .. Thankyou for sharing and get well soon …
1  8 February, 11:39
Roland sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you that you can heal without too much discomfort. Looking forward to seeing your new builds when you're ready. In the meantime if you want to share more drawings I'm all for it.
1  8 February, 11:54
Roland Sachsenhofer Author
Thank you, fortunately the recovery is progressing well. Appreciated words from both of you! So I won't hesitate to upload something here again when something airplane/model related has been created! 🙂
1  8 February, 15:47

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