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Thread started by jstrenko

joe strenko
added a new photoalbum.
12 images
LiberteView album, image #1
Project: Liberte
9 16 January, 20:25
great dio
1  16 January, 21:44
Shar Dipree
1  16 January, 21:48
joe strenko Author
Thank you
 16 January, 22:00
Stefan Schacht
very nice 👍
1  16 January, 23:00
Very impressive diorama!
1  17 January, 07:56
Lorraine Lin
agree with gorby.
1  17 January, 08:19
Neil Patrick
Really splendid dio - a joy to behold and reminds me of the pics in the old Tamiya Pachi Contest books.
1  17 January, 14:25
Rui S
Great work & dio, indeed 👍
1  17 January, 16:28
joe strenko Author
Thanks everyone I can't seem to figure out how to add the color photos to the album though.. I have already created the album with the photos but can't seem to link them
 18 January, 13:53
joe strenko Author
I think I'd figured it out..if someone could please let me know if they can see the color photos as well I would appreciate it
 18 January, 14:08
I can't see any colour pic Joe. You just need to click on 'upload' to add more photos to this album.

Edit, I've just noticed you've done the colour photos as a different album.
1  18 January, 15:01
Rui S
I´ve seen them in your other album. You can't link albums.
1  18 January, 15:35
you can move photos from one album to the other, no need to delete the second one and upload again.
1  18 January, 20:02
color pictures look amazing, by the way
1  18 January, 20:03
joe strenko Author
Thank you for that
 18 January, 20:21

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