Thread started by MessaschnitzelLarry Cherniakadded a new photoalbum.13 imagesVought F7U-3M Cutlass, 1/72 Fujimi Based in part on captured German engineering data, the Vought Cutlass was certainly unique looking! It was not a great s... 15 19 January, 08:04gorbyVery nice job! 19 January, 08:45Guy RumpVery unusual and impressive build. 👍 19 January, 08:48NeulingWonderful finish! 19 January, 09:59Robert PodkońskiBeautiful! 19 January, 10:00Rui SGreat work 👍 19 January, 17:00GuidoAwesome paint job! 👏🏻👏🏻 19 January, 18:27DaveWow that's a beauty. 19 January, 18:47News Feed »