Thread started by hetspanjaard

it seems some stash notifications appear in the newsfeed, even when Popular filter is in use. see SCM Newsfeed
1 19 January, 09:02

yes, but i was seeing seveal posts about the stash movements of the sam user, without anybody commenting on them. popular filter was ok, and not seeing others
19 January, 23:18

I have seen this too, in German language, while I have set English. I thought he commented and have not realized those are Stash activities. He is my mate.
19 January, 23:32

Yes I also saw it (in German) and thought they had used the kit comment section.
20 January, 07:52

I'll close this case
- "besitzt diesen Artikel" message was added 1 day after the actual kit was added to the stash.
- The original add to kit message is still there, so there are 2 messages
- From the 14 Million wall messages, 39 of them have the text "besitzt diesen Artikel". All from the same user
Scalemates is full of bugs, but this is not a bug
1 20 January, 08:25