Thread started by pbaudru

added a new photoalbum.
20 19 July 2015, 08:22

Any pictures of the completed model? The Revell kits depicting the Hunter are great and I'd love to see this one.
19 July 2015, 09:20

Hi Stefan, yes I have several pics of the completed model. I will post first the build pictures and very soon the final ones. In fact the revell kit is great !
20 July 2015, 06:54

Salut Gael, merci pour ton message ! Oui il exist le kit Xtrakit du biplace 100% plastique. Il est bien avec même de la photo découpe dans la boite. Faut voir pour les ajustements et vérifier s'ils sont moins sur cette convertion avec le kit revell je n'ai pas eu de problèmes de ce genre.
20 July 2015, 06:57

Fala, é uma serrinha da Hasegawa. Nao é das mais fininhas, e por isso mesmo nao dobra a toa. ABs.
20 July 2015, 13:57

very nice, with a lot of attention to the details... for the dials, did you spray though the drilled out openings and did you then make/scratch the details with a knife? And for the canopy, do you cut it, or push the shaving knife through the vacform cocpit...
8 January 2016, 08:47

Thanks guys ! Bart, for the dials, once they were painted black trought the opennings I just used a needle to represent the details. You can also paint using other colors if you want. Don't forget a gloss varnish layer on the dials before to place the perforated layer. For the canopy I used a GILETTE blade to cut it guided by tamiya tape placed at the join. Cheers.
8 January 2016, 10:54

Impressive conversion, very unusual type of original and excellent photography!
8 January 2016, 15:55