Thread started by Jan Goormans

added a new photoalbum.
9 5 August 2012, 09:41

Lovely, one of the best looking aircraft of WWII. Nice one Jan!
5 August 2012, 11:42

Hallo Jan,
I like the superb preshading and the clean and smooth colour application! The colours RLM 81 and 82 looks pretty good!
Hope you will show your last works in Mol !! 🙂
5 August 2012, 20:20

thanks guys
some progress , the blue-red band is sprayed
next are the decals
@Dirk : i do not pre-shade any more, trying out my own technique
i spray the whole surface with a lighter colour as the correct one
and the i use the correct colour to mist and go over the panel lines
6 August 2012, 06:02

Adds a nice splash of colour to an already very attractive scheme.
Skill is mastery !
6 August 2012, 07:02

I have a question regarding the yellow stripe, I have never seen it before - has anyone else ?
6 August 2012, 12:05

I tryed to find the answer here, but i failed. No have never seen the yellow stripe, by now.
6 August 2012, 12:16

concerning the yellow stripe, i use the Eagle Cals decals nr 96 the yellow 3 option
6 August 2012, 12:50

Yes, that is the interpretation of Eagle Cals. There is a photo in the decals that shows the banded section. It is a bit conspicuous that the band is exactly at the joint of the fuselage with the tail section. I wonder if it is not a gruppe marking but a bare metal joining line (this joint was notorious for being badly assembled and then taped over).
In any case, your work is very good Jan, no doubts about that!
6 August 2012, 15:41

I've certainly seen the one attached, but not a fully circumferential yellow stripe. But I trust that Eagle Cals has based their decal sheet on some good reference.
6 August 2012, 17:16

probably Aghis has a good point
but anyhow , to be honest , I am not the kind of modeller that is looking for a 100% accurate plane
i just buy what I like , meaning the combination of shape - camo - markings
and I do like the yellow band in the middle of the red and blue 🙂
so the decals are next
Burkhard , nice site you have with lots of good pictures
just made a link to it , thanks !!!
6 August 2012, 18:15

Jan, thank you. I have just photographed the Me262 at the RAF Museum at Hendon. The colors used on that plane (the libery obviously been restored) is much more questionable than the Eagle Cals 😉
I can go with fictitious markings as long as the shape and the colors are 'right' to my eyes. I think the guys at Hendon should hire you to fix their paint shop 🙂
6 August 2012, 19:34

Yeah, what is it with 1:1 scale models ? They almost never get their colours right!😉
7 August 2012, 15:54

some more work done
decals almost on
now the fun begins , the weathering 😉
8 August 2012, 14:23

Its looking great, Jan! Doesnt matters if historically correct or not!😢 Will you weather it heavily?
8 August 2012, 14:54

Really a very good build. Aircraft could be built as factory fresh or in service....................this is the opinion of the owner. Still, i agree with the wheels/
25 August 2012, 15:17

Looking overall very nice Jan, and the decals look perfect.
26 August 2012, 08:40

Very well done Jan. I like the chiping on the gun cover; slight and subtle but effective.
26 August 2012, 12:02

Hello Jan, very good job on the 262. I like it very much, congratulations 🙂
26 August 2012, 13:55