Thread started by Cuajete

added a new photoalbum.
248 13 June 2017, 18:25

Thanks, Thomas. May be I will start a Blohm & Voss BV-138 kit when I finished this Dornier.
14 June 2017, 12:06

Very nice interior work 👍 Where did you find references (I looked for books but no luck)?
23 June 2017, 11:40

Thanks for your comment, Alec. I found references especially in internet (forums, websites, another kits...). For interiors you can find information on the following site:
There are a lot of pics for exterior and some for interior (inside Do-24K section). Also have many information about Do-24 generally. I hope I've helped.
23 June 2017, 18:29

Thanks for your comments Arash and Josu 😉
There is still work to be do.
11 July 2017, 19:46

It's beautiful! And a lot of work, but it's worth, it is! Adelante! Siempre!
25 November 2017, 18:53

Thanks for your words, Julian and Thomas.
After finishing the Mustang, I resumed this Do-24. I will upload new pics soon.
28 November 2017, 20:49

Nice job using with fantasy the plastic and wires materials. Bravo!!
28 November 2017, 21:22

i was thinking that the scratch building was quite nice, where did you found that HUGE swiss poket knife!! to take the picture with????
i realized then that this is 1/72 (not 1/32 or 1/48). excellent job!!!!!! Cuajete, te está quedando de p... alucinantes los detalles.
28 November 2017, 23:47

Many thanks, mates!
Hanno, IKEA interior and Orange communications! 🙂
Spanjaard, many thanks for your words. Here is my swiss pocket knife in 1:1 scale, XD:
2 December 2017, 19:59

I knew it!!!!!! 😄 hilarious man! 😄 thanks for making me laugh (has estado sembrado Cuajete, muy bueno)
2 December 2017, 20:26

Cockpit looks incredible, Cuajete! I really hope you can see it through the canopy when you get the frames painted....
3 December 2017, 01:00

Thanks a lot guys!
Spanjaard, I hope I never lose my sense of humour 😉. Tiny headphones are made from a small metal strip and putty. Headphones cable is made from a electric thin wire.
Gordon, I hope so too. Something will see, sure. In the central part of the fuselage I did practically nothing, because I'm sure it would not be seen.
Alek, thanks for your comment 🙂
3 December 2017, 19:21

Where was this bird stationed ? Could it be possible that I saw it in Pollenca/Mallorca in the mid 80s ?
Again , superb scratchbuilding on the interior ! This tiny map is unbelievable !
3 December 2017, 19:54

Many thanks one more time, mates!
Hanno, thanks for your words. Tiny map is from Pollensa Bay (Mallorca's North).
On 1944 Spain acquired twelve Do-24 for the "Comisión de Salvamento y Naufragio" (Salvage and Shipwreck Commission), created to help the pilots and sailors of planes or ships of both sides, shot down or sunk in the Mediterranean Sea.
These airplanes were located in Pollensa (Mallorca), and decorated in strong green and yellow colors to make their condition of neutrals clearly visible, until 1958. Subsequently, the four specimens that survived in metallic color were framed in the SAR. These aircraft were discarded in 1969.
On 1971 last spanish's Do-24 T-3 destined in Pollensa, flew to the Dornier factory in Germany after being carefully prepared for it in our Base. After two intermediate stops in Marseille and Lausanne, he reached Lake Constance near that factory, where we see him waiting to be towed to the coast on the German side (see the following pic). In his frames he carried the seed of the DO-24 ATT that later, after a profound transformation, flew as the flagship of the Iren Dornier Project.
9 December 2017, 19:39

wow, you even made the tiny map of the real area of operations... that is attention to detail!
9 December 2017, 21:47

Thanks for your words, Spanjaard and Łukasz.
I am currently working on the wings. Later I will work the painting of the fuselage and finally I will unite both parts. I think that this way I can work the model in a more comfortable way.
25 January 2018, 20:54

Nice progress, what is that white stuff you used to fill the wings?
26 January 2018, 06:59

Many thanks, guys.
Łukasz, white stuff is Vallejo Plastic Putty:
This is a vinilic putty that no need to be sanded. It can be applied directly from the tube. The handy tip of the tube simplifies use. When the filler have set for a couple of minutes have run a cotton bud lightly moist in cellulose thinner along the seam line and next we have a very nice transition between both the parts.
You can also use sanitary alcohol or simply water to remove excess putty. I usually use it mainly to fill small joints.
For more important fillings I use other putties.
26 January 2018, 10:48

Thanks for the info. Does it work like the Perfect Plastic Putty by Deluxe Materials? I mean is it water-cleanable after drying? Or is it more like green-stuff - cleanable by water but only before drying.
26 January 2018, 12:37

Cleanable by water but only before drying. After applying, after about 2 to 5 minutes.
26 January 2018, 19:40

Thank you Nikolaos. There is an 1/48 kit from Fonderie Miniature:
Maybe Special Hobby will release another one in a future.
8 March 2018, 21:04

New pics updated. Wings painted and with decals on (remain to apply oils) and finished engines. Next I will paint the fuselage and apply decals on it.
29 March 2018, 19:11

The engines looks fantastic... And your scratchwork is great and inspiring too! 👍
29 March 2018, 19:21

Many thanks, mates! It will still take time before be finished. Sorry for the delay.
30 March 2018, 11:25

Great work! I'm planning to build mine in the same colour scheme, so yours gonna be a good reference)
2 July 2018, 14:00

Many thanks, mates!
Dmitriy, I'll be pleased to see how you build yours. I'm sure that yours will be a lot better than mine 😉
I hope to have new updates in the coming weeks.
2 July 2018, 19:42

I have attached the wings to the fuselage. The process has been a little complicated because there are no guides to know where the stiles go on wings.
I tried to place the struts, but I have failed in the attempt. I will try again.
10 July 2018, 20:01

Great build! Your posted museum picture is from Oberschleissheim. I checked my pictures from there, sorry, have also no better picture.
11 July 2018, 20:42

@Agustin, Muchas gracias! 🙂
@bughunter, Don't worry. I found a lot of pictures from this museum. Many thanks!😉
13 July 2018, 09:12

I am really astonished by how the metal effect turned out here)
13 July 2018, 20:29

Uploaded new pic. Cowlings are ready. Maybe there is still remains to do some effect to the propellers.
15 July 2018, 18:26

Thank you very much Łukasz, 🙂. They seem easy, but it is difficult to mask due to the size and place where they are. I had to go redo the color strips several times in some areas.
18 July 2018, 18:16

time well spent Cuajete. it is looking fantastic. looking forward seeing it finished.
18 July 2018, 20:44

Now that looks great! Impressive build with a very good looking result; I like the accuracy of the three engines shown!
30 July 2018, 18:18

Great detailing, I can hardly wait to see it completed. Thanks for the instructions, always wondered how to make a venturi tube in a quick way 🙂
30 July 2018, 18:57

Thanks mates.
Łukasz, I asked advice to a good modeller friend 🙂. I hope to finish it soon.
31 July 2018, 09:08

Looking Amazing, very well done. Looking forward to seeing it done.
7 August 2018, 16:02

That is such a beautiful build! It simply looks wonderful and full of details- impressive!
7 August 2018, 19:02

Great subject, great model, great modeler. Where did you get the information to be able to build the interior?
8 August 2018, 15:41

Thanks a lot for your comment, Henry. I found references especially in internet (forums, websites, another kits...). For interiors you can find information on the following site:
There are a lot of pics for exterior and some for interior (inside Do-24K section). Also have many information about Do-24 generally. I hope I've helped.
8 August 2018, 17:37

I have corrected some bugs, but I have broken other things in the attempt. Some are fixed up, but others are about to be fixed, like the glass in the back window of the cockpit.
It got inside the cockpit, but it's difficult to put it back inside from outside. I have to think how to solve this...
11 August 2018, 18:28

Oooops. I'd propose either sanding it and mounting delicately using kind of Micro Cristal Clear (so the excess can be washed away afterwards) or filling it soley with Cristal Clear (but it shrinks sometimes when drying)
Fingers crossed!
11 August 2018, 19:34

Thanks Dmitriy. I have not had time to model yet. I started painting the engines exhaust pipes only. When I have some time, I will try the Łukasz method to place the crystal in its place😉
16 August 2018, 11:22

Problem solved by Łukasz's technic😉
After trimming the edges of the glass, I immersed it in Future to protect it and carefully inserted it by sticking it with cyano gel to have time to maneuver and make sure it is properly stuck once fixed. I still have to touch up a bit the edges with paint.
19 August 2018, 11:42

I have already paint the exhaust pipes with the following method:
Youtube Video

20 August 2018, 18:33

Happy to see that you've solved the problem! Can't wait to see the final result😉
22 August 2018, 12:16

Thank you Daniel, but I have new problems...
I was putting the radio wires but it splashed several drops of cyano into the area of one of the engines, propeller and one of the floats.
This will delay the model's finished until I can repair 🙁
27 August 2018, 18:48

Really nice work on all those wires. Pity about that cyano accident 🙁 I almost did it myself yesterdayin a much bigger scale....
But I am sure you will repair it with some careful sanding/polishing/painting....
28 August 2018, 10:59

Awesome scratch for that radio wires! Fingers crossed for the fixing the cyano drops. 👍
28 August 2018, 11:03

Hm, that sounds not that good... Would be very sad for that fantastic Paintjob..
I hope Your scratching and improvisation-abilities will help you to fix this. 🙂
28 August 2018, 12:48

Spanjaard, Łukasz and Daniel, many thanks for your words. I'm glad you like the work with the wiring.
The problem is that some of the damaged areas are difficult to access or are very fragile to do aggressive work in their area, without breaking or damaging any part (propeller and struts). But I have to try to fix it in some way.
Thanks again for your advice and words of support 👍
28 August 2018, 18:56

Hi! How is it goin with your Do-24? I think I will start mine in a month or about that 🙂
16 September 2018, 18:50

Hi Bobinspokaloo, Alec K and Dmitriy. Thanks for your interest.
Finally I managed to repair the damage caused by the cyano, but during the attempt other elements that I had to repair were broken. It has not been as good as it was early, but it is better than with the cyan drops scattered in different places.
Now the model is practically finished, in the absence of putting a couple of small cables and the radio goniometer. For the radio goniometer I have to make a resin copy, which I have ordered from a friend who is on hollidays now. Until he returns, he can not make the copy and therefore I can not finish the model in its entirety.
I have any pics of the latest progress, but I had thought to wait for finish the model to update it completely and conclude this project. But if you want I can upload pics of the little I have now, and then the final photos with the goniometer radio.
17 September 2018, 11:26

I repaired the damage caused by the cyano drops with a fiber pencil (see pics). I think it's the best I found for those places of difficult access. Even so, when handling the model, the uprights and some another small element were detached.
After putting these things in place I painted and added oils and varnish in these areas.
Now, to finish, I'm waiting to place a pair of small cables and radio goniometer. For this last I'm waiting for a resin copy.
19 September 2018, 18:18

@bobinspokaloo: Spanish Search-and-Rescue and as far as I'm concerned it's the livery of the last flying Do-24 transferred (by air, using its own engines!) to Dornier's museum in Friedrichshafen in Germany (hence the project background pic) somewhere in the 70s or 80s.
20 September 2018, 07:00

Knew you will solve this.. As Lukasz said the Antennas look fantastic... The whole machine does so, but with this detailwork it looks like 48 scale
Good Job
20 September 2018, 07:30

I think this beautiful spanish Do-24 finally found its home not in Friedrichshafen but in Flugwerft Schleissheim near Munich, which is a department of German Museum, Munich. You find a walkaround of it at .
20 September 2018, 08:01

Thx Alex, good to know not to look for it at the Bodensee (Constance Lake) 👍
20 September 2018, 08:07

Thank you very much, mates! Your words mean a lot to me 🙂
After long years of service, HD-4 (last of spanish Do-24) caused a loss in the Spain Air Force's inventory in 1969 and it sold to Germany for a symbolic price.
After being carefully prepared for it in Pollensa's Base It flown from Mallorca to the Dornier factory in Friedrichshafen on the Costance Lake in August 1971, after two intermediate stops in Marseille and Lausanne, where were waiting to be towed to the coast on the german side.
Here we can see the HD-4 near Friedrichshafen, in the early 90's:
Later, after a profound transformation, it fly as the flagship of the Iren Dornier Project:
Today, the early HD-4 transformed is the only Dornier Do-24 in flight condition and is operated by the Amphibian Do-24 ATT World Tour. The project began in February 2004, when this Do-24, restored and remotorized with three Pratt & Whitney PT A-45B turboprops and called Do-24 ATT, began flying for UNICEF on child aid missions in the Philippines. The Do-24 ATT is being piloted by Iren Dornier, the grandson of Dornier's founder, Claudius Dornier.
I think the Do-24 of Flugwerft Schleissheim was the HD.5-3
HD.5-2 is in Cuatro Vientos Air Museum (Spain) in restoration process.
HD.5-1 is preserved in Militaire Luchtvaart Museum, Soesterberg, as 'X-24'.
20 September 2018, 19:24

Thanks a lot, Daniel. I hope to finish next month. Only remains the radio goniometer antenna and a couple of small cables 🙂
25 September 2018, 11:33

you have studied the subject pretty well, i have seen the one of soesterberg, and i did not know that it served in Spain before! it is painted as if it were dutch
25 September 2018, 21:51

Thank you very much, mates.
Spanjaard, until recently I also did not know that Soesterberg's Do-24 served in Spain. This model is really a Do-24T-3 disguised as Do-24K-1. Look at the lower engine's entries (they are different) and at the side entries (the Spanish has one in each engine and the Dutch lack them).
You can see that black and white pic corresponds to a Do-24K (real Dutch):
And that of the museum to a Do-24T (Spanish modified):
Please, excuse me if I do not explain myself well in English. Thanks.
26 September 2018, 12:43

WOnderful Result and NMF finish and georgeous build Cuajete! 👍 Especially because tis is the old non reworked kit version by Italeri..
13 March 2019, 20:34

Such a adorable build! Congratulations to this wonderful Dornier!
14 March 2019, 12:33

Great! I'll postpone my project few years because now I know how big work is hidden in that project. Thank you for sharing you work!
5 March 2021, 18:22

Beautiful plane and excellent work 👍
Love the treatment & weathering on the metal and the color contrasts are just great - a front page model 🙂
5 March 2021, 18:56

Thank you very much, friends. I have no words to thank your comments and likes.
6 March 2021, 20:11

Thanks Mirko... Your Chinook looks really good and U-125 is on the way to get over it 🙂
8 March 2021, 19:17

Wow Cuajete you did a great job. Congratulations on making a beautiful model.
9 April 2021, 08:20

Thanks a lot for your likes and lovely words, mates.
Very much appreciated.
9 April 2021, 20:08

I celebrate that you like it, Neil. I learned a lot building this model adding all the extra details.
Many thanks for your likes and comments, friends! 🙂
30 September 2021, 19:31

Many thanks one more time, mates. I have no words to thank your comments and likes 🙂
3 October 2021, 18:24

My Oh my. Missed a lot by 'judging the cover'. Please accept the humble praise and respect from a fellow transcendentalist. 👍🏻👍🏻
30 October 2021, 22:41

This is such a beautiful plane. And the spanish skin suits the german beauty. You lifted this kit to another level. Well done.
31 October 2021, 10:59

Un gran trabajo... Muy limpio... Da gusto ver el nivelazo que hay en casa
31 October 2021, 11:02

A veritable master class in craftsmanship and detailing. Superb in every department, inside and out 🙂👍
31 October 2021, 11:45

Hi mates! Thank you very much for your motivating and nice comments 🙂
1 November 2021, 19:16

Its fun to see this great work pop up again....that is one nice floatplane
14 November 2021, 21:47

Many thanks my friends. I am impressed by your nice comments 🙂
15 November 2021, 20:18

a question for a community....
....when does a floatplane stop being a plane at all but a boat that flies? A Flying Boat....
what is this....The China Clipper takes a stand!! | Album by Lochsa_River (1:132)
or this?.....Spruce Goose | Project by Lochsa_River (1:200)
we all know what these are...floatplanes
CATAPULT WITH ALF | Album by Lochsa_River (1:72)
and then....the venerable "Walrus"....a plane that floats..... a boat with might define the midpoint
Airfix Supermarine Walrus Mk.I | Album by Lochsa_River (1:48)
THIS is a plane that floats.....
1925 Curtiss Racer R3C-2..... NOT a "Flying Boat" | Album by Lochsa_River (1:48)
I might have just a little too much time on my hands this evening and be under the influence of some local legal intoxicant......
16 November 2021, 02:18

doesn't a machine that purports to call itself a Flying Anything have to show that it is that "Thing" first.....?
...are any of these boats first and planes second?
16 November 2021, 02:25

Thanks a lot for your kind and motivating words, mates.
Much appreciated.
19 November 2021, 20:02

I think that when the fuselage sits in the water, it's ba flying boat. When the fuselage is kept out of the water by independent floats, then it's a float plane. No doubt there will be exceptions, just to wind us all up 😉
19 November 2021, 20:59

If I may add a comment, who speaks Italian like me is lucky, because we simply call them "idrovolanti" 😉
19 November 2021, 21:22

Similarly in Polish, hydroplanes group them all 😄
Btw. What intoxicant was it Lochsa? 😉
19 November 2021, 21:29

.....a nice Sativa/Indica hybrid.....labeled as pesticide free.....regulated, but legal here in the american west.....helps my modeling!
20 November 2021, 00:16

Interesting debate on how to name it in different places... Apologies for not having participated in it.
Here we can call them hydroplanes or hydro canoes, depending on the type. A hydroplane or canoe floatplane is a type of seaplane whose fuselage is shaped like a hull, allowing it to dive directly into the water. It differs from a floatplane in that it is the fuselage that provides the buoyancy, although it needs to have stabilizing floats under the wings or projections in the form of an embryonic wing (called sponsons, with functions of buoyancy and stability, such as a bilge keel).
Nice models, Lochsa 👍 and thanks for your comments and likes, friends 🙂
20 November 2021, 10:50

Great metal finnish. I suppose that is a lot of work to get such a well done outcome.
14 February 2022, 13:12

Great work, lots of scratched parts and superb paint job!
14 February 2022, 13:27

Thank you very much, Fritz01 and Jean-François for your overehelming and nice comments. And thanks to the rest mates for the positive likes! 🙂
@Fritz01, I have no great secrets to make this metallic paint result. I guess the paint itself and the oils did their job. I should update the first photos with comments explaining what I did 🙂
15 February 2022, 19:18

i ones found a completed model of one of these at a second hand shot it was made up
3 March 2022, 20:49

Thank you Charlie. This is the original mold of Italaerei (Italeri later). Italeri's latest is based on this mold, but improvements were added.
4 March 2022, 19:19

Cuajete, I very much enjoy this popping back up when someone comments. It's such a stunning build (and great journey album) and I love seeing it every time 👍 🙂
14 April 2022, 11:55

Wow... I'm impressed by your encouraging and nice words. This makes me more motivated to continue with my future and present projects. Thank you very much again, friends!
Neil and Alec, I have to write comments on the first pics to explain what I was doing and put some extra pics if I find where I put them. This can be an excuse to see the photo album one more time 😉
16 April 2022, 17:33

Clifford and Bernd. Many thanks for your kind words and your likes. Really appreciated!
26 May 2023, 19:58

Many thanks, Finn. Much appreciated.
@Pietro De Angelis, thanks for your like 👍
30 May 2023, 20:13

Thank you very much, Shar. I'm glad yo like it! I follow with interest your Dornier 👌
@Helio Zechin Pereira and other mates. Thank you for your like 👍
20 June 2023, 18:28

Thank you so much, Doubtingmango. Much appreciated.
@Derek Rothfus and other mates, thank you for your likes 👍
22 June 2023, 17:28

@Peter de Bruin, Noël Bossaert and other mates. Many thanks for your likes. Much appreciated 👍
23 June 2023, 18:13

Congrats! It's nice to see such an effect! Did you count how many hours this project took you? I've never built a model in 1:48...
1 July 2023, 09:37

Wojtek, thank you very much for your kind words. I think I lost count at some point in the build. The truth is that I don't usually count the hours it takes me to make the models I've made so far.
You are making a good Defiant 👍
1 July 2023, 18:41

Wow! Very stunning build! The interior work is outstanding! The NMF with the high visibility colors makes a really eye catching model. Thanks for uploading the great images of construction as it really helps, When I built mine it was straight OOB and the kit does have some real challenges.
14 July 2023, 16:39

Thank you very much for your kind and motivating words, Stephen. Certainly the kit has challenges, but with a little work and patience a good model can be obtained.
@ForestFan, thanks for your like.
14 July 2023, 20:32

@Stephan H. and @Alexey Antipin, many thanks for your like. Much appreciated 👍
17 July 2023, 19:07

Beautiful paint scheme and great result!!!
The added detail on the Interior is amazing.
23 July 2023, 18:00

Thank you so much, Dean. Your words are motivating. I think that showing the construction process is useful to be able to learn. I also like to see how mates show their construction processes to learn from them.
@Rando Dude and other mates, thanks for your like. Much appreciated.
23 July 2023, 18:14

Many thanks, Murtaza. Your words motivate me to continue improving 🙂
27 August 2023, 18:29

@Landlubber Mike, that is very encouraging and also very motivating. I'm glad you like it. Thank you!
@Subotai, thanks for your like.
3 March 2024, 19:58

I have the Italeri kit with the AIMS PE detail sets, but your scratch built enhancements look amazing!
9 March 2024, 19:59

Many thanks for your comment, Landlubber Mike. I'm glad you like it. I copied some details from this PE set, such as the walkways over the fuselage. Apart from detailing that part, I saved sanding and putty in those joints.
@Steve Desarzen, thank you for your like 🙂
9 March 2024, 20:27

That makes me quite happy. Thank you so much for your comment, Thomas!
@Kenneth, thanks for your like.
13 March 2024, 19:50

Cuajete, este proyecto tuyo merecería estar en el Museo del Aire de Cuatro Vientos.
Cuajete, this proyect should be exposed at the Air Museum in Cuatro Vientos.
It's impressive, mate!
16 March 2024, 20:17

Muchas gracias por tus amables palabras, Sergio. Son muy motivadoras 🙂
Thank you very much for your kind words, Sergio. They are very motivating 🙂
17 March 2024, 19:51

@Mojo DeVirus and other mates, thanks for watching and your likes 👍
19 March 2024, 18:51

OMG -this is simply gorgeous! I love the varied metallic colors you used to break up the sea of aluminum to make it very eye catching!
1 7 April 2024, 04:54

@CaptGPF, your words are greatly appreciated. I'm glad to know that you liked it. Thank you! 🙂
@Rui Reis, thx for watching and your like 👍
9 April 2024, 18:19

@Mr D, Thank you so much for your kind words. They are much appreciated 🙂
@Kenneth, thank you so much for your like 👍
9 December 2024, 19:56

@Alec K, many thanks for watching it again. I'm glad! 🙂
@Marcel, thx for your like 👍
10 December 2024, 19:02

@Haro Rotl and @Jirka Vrána, thank you so much for your likes 👍
12 December 2024, 18:44

Beautiful job and I am glad you chose to go with a non common country and paint scheme. Always see them in German schemes which gets old for me. Great job!
I have the Revell reissue of this. I just wish Eduard made window masks for it.
15 February, 20:08

Thank you for your kind words, Mina and Martin. I'm glad you like it! 🙂
@Mina Ro, It is certainly an attractive and unusual scheme. The history of this one you can see in the project description. Spain also had Do-24s with the German splinter scheme, but with different interesting markings. You can see them here:
Eduard had these paint masks, but it was a long time ago. They will be hard to find: Do-24T (Eduard XS213, 1:72)
However, the Montex vinyl masks fit very well because the shapes of the transparent parts are not very complex. I think I'll be able to use them again on the next Do-24 that I might make in the future.
16 February, 20:17

Wow, that's impressive! You've done a great job Cuajete, a very nice paint scheme + choice of decals. This is a real eye catcher 👍🏻!
2 1 March, 00:49

@Dick, thank you so much for your kind and motivating words, mate. It means a lot to me 🙂
@Hans-Jürgen Haag, many thanks for your like 👍
1 1 March, 19:24