Thread started by UrsusMagnus

added a new photoalbum.
32 images
Jeep progress
Weathering is finished. Perhaps a little much, but I'm still learning..
Project: Willys Jeep
7 4 September 2018, 19:20

Thanks James! 🙂
Now the fun begins, dirtying it all up😉.
4 September 2018, 19:40

looking really good. well. strange to see a Jeep so shiny. but that is certainly the way to go for some good weathering 🙂 looking forward the complete project. i have a couple of tamiya jeeps pending in my stash 🙂
4 September 2018, 20:41

Thank you Spanjaard! 🙂
The weathering is now finished. I think I might have over done it a bit, but I'm still learning this, so I'm reasonably happy with it.
Next will be an adventure. My first venture into figure painting. I'm only painting the driver to start with.
6 September 2018, 10:40

Thank you James! 🙂
The little guy is finished, and so is this little mini-project. It was alot of fun building the Jeep and learning how to paint the figure. I've hired him to look after my extensive (?!) collection.😉
6 September 2018, 21:31

very well done, certainly not overdone in my opinion. i think you can actually make a jeep much dirtier if you wanted to 🙂 actually, i would have added a bit of weathering to the interior. if there is lots of mud outside, the boots of the soldiers would have left some traces in the interior too😉
anyway, it is a very nice job, including the figure!
7 September 2018, 21:26

Thanks James and Spanjaard! 🙂
Yes, you have a point there, Spanjaard. I guess the little guy is a bit pedantic about the inside of his car😉.
9 September 2018, 15:26