Thread started by mikestomcat

will attend

Australian International Airshow
1-3 March 2019

1-3 March 2019
23 November 2018, 01:32

Good luck Michael. I gave up on this event years ago. It's either a "dust bowl" or a "Mud Pit" I'm tired of it either way! I used to go on the trade only days much better for goodies and photos. Public days no way. I even slept in the car in the carpark overnight to avoid the drive and the long queue to get into the bloody carpark two hours to get out NOT AGAIN....
22 February 2019, 05:33

Well when I went last time I parked right up near the front gate, and with my 4x4 with it's nice huge bull bar out front and roll bars on the side and rear bull bar, and not to forget to mention my get the phuck out of my way attitude. I simply made my own track, and the day was really pleasant, not a cloud in the sky and not dusty at all. Unfortunatly I have to cancel has I have to move and won't have the mulla to pay for the diesel from up here in Coffs Harbour to all the way down to the ass end of the mainland. I'll try again in another two years.😢
22 February 2019, 06:36

Well I'm sure glad i didn't go after two days of 37 degree heat and no shade even if you pay around $200 bucks for the VIP Grandstand seat tickets! General tickets were $68 bucks and i think you had to pre buy them before the event not sure if they were selling them at the gate? Anyway we had our own airshow all weekend over in the eastern side of Melbourne with all the bushfire water bomber helicopters flying over all the time some Erickson S-64, Sikorsky S-61 and quite a few Bell 212/412 flying over all the time heading to the bushfires further out of Melbourne around Bunyip and Nar Nar Goon area.
Here's a link to some great videos on U tube!
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Youtube Video

3 March 2019, 12:21

Thanks Glenn for letting me know what I missed out on last Saturday.🙁🙁🙁
4 March 2019, 00:02