Thread started by Camilla

will attend

SKALA 2019
30. and 31. March 2019

30. and 31. March 2019
12 March 2019, 17:09

Camilla. BOO !!! Hello there. !
I saw your name in the news feed and thought, mmmmmmmmm, how about saying g'day. ! It's been a long time between drinks hey. :-/
What will you be entering. ?
The Kawasaki Ki-61-Id Hien. ?
If so, I wish you good luck.
Kezza. 😉
12 March 2019, 18:34

Hey Kerry! :-D So nice to hear from you again, I hope you are well! I'm not sure I will be entering anything to be honest.. I've not been modelling as much recently, and havn't gotten the results I wanted from the few I have built. I haven't recieved the Kawasaki Ki-61-Id Hien yet, but I am really looking forward to it!
How are you my friend? And what is on your bench at the moment?
14 March 2019, 23:57

Camilla. 😉 Hi my long distance friend. 🙂 🙂
I am still getting over the disappointment of the QMHE2018 comp.
I entered, what I would say, in my opinion, some really nice builds, only to see the club judges give all the accolades to their members and ignore all others who were not club members.................Ahhh, that feels better now I have had a winge. LOL. :-0
Currently, I am in the middle of a 1/32 Trumpeter F-100D, all in bare metal foil for the national scale modellers meet in Melbourne early next year. But entering 15 models, all of the very best I have.
Other than that, we are trying to survive the heat wave conditions we have here at the moment, average 40 to 45c. :-/
I turn 73 in April, but still kicking up the heales. 😉
How was your winter. ?
15 March 2019, 01:20

😄 Well that sucks! Hope you'll do better in Melbourne then, I'll be crossing my fingers for you! 🙂 Wow, that's a big one. I'm building a 1/48 Hasegawa Ki-43 II Hayabusa now in bare metal. Bare metal is always a challenge I think.
Wow, that's a bit too hot 😛 I hope you have a good airconditioner!
We got a puppy in June and so our winter has consisted of walks and playing with him. Also a great christmas celebration with family. How was your winter?
18 March 2019, 13:47

WOW. !! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Your doing a 'foil'. 🙂 🙂
How wonderful of you and adventurous too. :-O
I am sure you will put out a wonderful result my friend. 👍
Remember, plenty of pictures please. 👍
18 March 2019, 17:50