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Thread started by gorby

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16 images
The Gorby sanctuary resurrection.View album, image #14
Been busy again at my other workbench* and this is also to help with my modelling. I wanted to replace my sprue rack. It...
35 7 July 2019, 10:34
Looking good, mate
 9 August 2019, 11:29
gorby Author
Thanks mate, it's a much nicer place to work so it was worth the effort. It's not so tidy now.
 9 August 2019, 16:07
looking good gorbygould. i have to finish my space now... so i may actually copy some of your ideas!
 9 August 2019, 20:26
gorby Author
Thanks Spanjaard. I'm making minor improvements to the set up as I use the space, but it's much more ergonomically laid out. I also raised the worktop level so that I'm not bending over as much as I used to, and that's much better for my back. Just make sure you have plenty of storage when you do yours. I've filled all the drawers and have still got stuff that needs a home.
The magnetic, under-shelf tool storage works very well so I'd recommend that.
 10 August 2019, 09:06
Urban Gardini
I like your improvements of your sanity room...
 10 August 2019, 09:28
Gordon Sørensen
Great looking work area, gorby! If only mine was as neat and organized...
 10 August 2019, 09:45
gorby Author
Thanks mates.
That's a good name for the room Urban, although I'm not sure I would be classed as entirely sane.
Gordon: I wish mine was that neat and organised as well! The photos are before any plastic was mangled. I've added another photo on the end to give a more accurate image of what's it's like in use.
 10 August 2019, 10:24
ventilation shaft will certainly be copied 🙂
 10 August 2019, 10:42
Urban Gardini
Well, of course you're not able to classify as sane. You're after all a modeller...
 10 August 2019, 10:45
gorby Author
😄 (I assume that is supposed to represent laughing – it looks more like constipation to me).
Spanjaard: The ducting was one of my slightly better ideas. It doesn't get rid of the paint smells completely, but it's much better than it was. Incidentally the stuff I used is called 'Kair System 100 Rectangular'. I bought it from a well known South American river😉 and it was quite a reasonable price - £37 all in. The brackets are overpriced but I managed to do it with just one of them.
 10 August 2019, 11:10
Alec K
Very nice job Gorby, and considering your self-reported aversion to labor a laudable effort indeed. I envy the natural light (my cave is in the basement, so no cigar). Nice work on the tool storage and compressor mounting as well 👍
 10 August 2019, 12:41
gorby Author
Thanks Alec. I had hoped those years of manual labour were behind me, it's not good for your health you know. The compressor mounting works well – the rubber shelf mounting and the rubber mat absorb quite a lot of the vibration, so it sounds much quieter.
 10 August 2019, 16:27
i actually have part of the stuff already... i had a couple of tubes leftover from some crazy idea during the renovation of our place... i just need the ends of it, and i have it almost done. well, i need to connect it to the window, but i have an idea about it 🙂
 10 August 2019, 20:45
Mark Sherwood
Nice one. It's given me some ideas. 👍🥸🤘
 14 October 2024, 12:29
Love the magnetic inverted shelf!!!
 14 October 2024, 12:48
Kesa Tiho
Wow, cool to see the cave where all the magic happenes. Also interested to see what the mouse looking build on your desk is (you might have posted about it already but i havent checked your profile so gonna go do that now 👍)
 14 October 2024, 13:04
gorby Author
Thanks all. 🙂
Kesa, that was my SHADO 1 build: Where have all the Aliens gone? Scratching my SHADO. | Album by gorby (1:48)
 14 October 2024, 13:31
order, method, organization, a very inspiring place 🫡
 14 October 2024, 16:48
Mr D
Set up looking 👍👍 will make a pleasant place to work.
I noticed you have to water trap on your airbrush..... Would you recommend l use my one for spraying Tamiya paints ??
I've just used straight air pipe up to now on my water base acrylics ... mainly Velejo.
 14 October 2024, 17:00
gorby Author
Thanks mates. 🙂
Mr. D, it's a bit odd....when I don't use the trap I have problems with the airbrush, but the trap appears to have never trapped any water. My advice would be - if you don't have any problems, don't change what you're doing.
 14 October 2024, 17:08
Mr D
Ok.. thanks 👍
Sometimes l get clogging up with clear, but generally it's ok, l have a Iwata clone airbrush and it's quite reliable most the time.
Think l will have to get better compressor with tank at some point.
Cheers 👍
 14 October 2024, 19:46
Rui S
Very Nice and tidy. Great building spot. Well done
 14 October 2024, 20:55
gorby Author
Thanks Rui. 🙂
 15 October 2024, 06:32
That is a perfectly organized and well laid out workspace. Nice to see such „projects" here, too! Thanks for sharing! 👍
 15 October 2024, 07:40
gorby Author
Thanks S B. It does work well for me so it was worth all the planning and the work. five years on it's significantly less tidy though. 😳
 15 October 2024, 07:46
Oh yes, I see now that your post is from 2019! 😂 But believe me it doesn't need 5 years. I reorganized my workspace in April (this year) and it's already looking pretty messy again! 😂😂🙈
 15 October 2024, 07:50
gorby Author
😄 😄 😄
 15 October 2024, 07:52
Clever arrangement, well organized. Happy modelling!
 15 October 2024, 09:07
gorby Author
Thanks Neuling. 👍
 15 October 2024, 09:17
Your bench looking less messy than mine
Your workbench looks less messy than mine so the new organizer seems to work 👍 And your comment puts a smile on my face 🙂
 19 November 2024, 20:11
gorby Author
Thanks Frank. I strive for order, but I usually end up achieving chaos. 😄
 19 November 2024, 20:17
nice tool holder my friend!
 19 November 2024, 22:52
Zbynek Honzik
Many inspirations for me, Gorby. Thanks for sharing!
 19 November 2024, 23:11
Kesa Tiho
Finally checked the desc and the name Mrs Gorby made my heart melt, wholesome moment.
Anyways, Trump said he could end the Russo Ukraine war in a day but its been three years. You've been working on your resurrection for five years, but a deadline hasn't been given. So good job, in a way you have won over Trump.
 20 November 2024, 00:14
gorby Author
Thanks very much mates.
Personally I'd rather be mentioned in the same sentence as Gandhi or Mandela. 😄 😄
My workspace is constantly evolving Kesa. My head is calmer when I manage to create a little bit of order – probably an OCD thing.
I just need to get into the habit of putting the correct tools back in their own little holes – I think that's where this plan might run into trouble. 🙂
 20 November 2024, 05:18
Alec K
Very nice addition Gorby 👍
 21 November 2024, 13:22
gorby Author
Thanks Alec. 🙂
 21 November 2024, 16:00
Michael Kohl
I really like that extra stand for the sharpie tools. I think I will cop... be inspirated by it. 😉
 21 November 2024, 20:07
Mr D
Definitely better than my chaotic biscuit tin 🤣
I like those slim draws bellow the desk.... definitely like some of those.
Nice set up 👍👍
 21 November 2024, 21:14
gorby Author
Feel free to cop…. be inspired Michael. 😄
Thanks Mr D. Looks like those drawers have shot up in price in the last five years – what a surprise. I'm glad I got them as they are perfect for my modelling needs. This is where I bought them:
 22 November 2024, 07:00
The sprue rack is perfectly done 👍 but I wondered at the first picture why the hell you need a sprue rack for your scratch projects? The next pictures answered it well: those plastic sheets are the sprues of the scratch builder 😉
 26 November 2024, 12:18
gorby Author
They certainly are Frank. The old rack was okay for the dinky little kits I do and a complete pain in the rear end for the plastic card. The few extra spaces will be idea for my current project - a full scratch-build and a heavily modified very basic kit at the same time. 🙂
 26 November 2024, 15:39
Mark Sherwood
All this clandestine wood working. . . . . . . . Now I know where the urge to put up shelves came from. . . . . . . I kept blaming Thee Wife! 🤔🤘🥸🤟🤣
 27 November 2024, 05:42
gorby Author
😄 😄 😄
 27 November 2024, 07:24

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