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Thread started by Karinakim

added a new photoalbum.
12 29 February 2020, 13:59
Well done man, had no idea the panther could be so interesting. Always though it was a plain looking tank and hard to do justice too but you've managed to make it look real.
 29 February 2020, 17:59
Karinakim Author
I didn't interest much about Panther, too. but I read a fiction called 'Last panther' few months ago. Since then, I seem to have become interested. Thank you~
 29 February 2020, 23:47
Great build and great finish! 👍 I think Last Panther is a memoir, along with Tiger Tracks, by Wolfgang Faust. Both books very compelling.
 1 March 2020, 02:26
Very good work on this beautiful tank!
 1 March 2020, 11:22
Karinakim Author
To Tom : Someone told me it was a fiction. I'm not sure if it's a fiction or not, but I'm very impressed.
If I have a chance, I want to make a diorama of the battle in Berlin 1945.
To Neuling : Thank you Your comment has been a great help to me.
 1 March 2020, 13:52
Tim Heimer
Beautifully done!
 1 March 2020, 13:55
Very nice tank! What did you use for the mud effects?
 10 March 2020, 23:15
Ingo F
Looks great!
 10 March 2020, 23:20
Rui S
Very Nice paintjob 👍
 11 March 2020, 00:07
Matthew Stec
Grew job
 11 March 2020, 08:12
Mike Kryza
Top Work! 👍
 11 March 2020, 08:57
Karinakim Author
Thank's mates! Your comment is a great strength to me.
and To Ryravux : I used a Vallejo weathering effects with some plasters, artificial grass.
This time I used Russian thick Mud and European thick Mud mainly in 2: 1 ratio. and then
I used Oil and enamel paint to express the effect of lubricating oil on the wheels.
1  11 March 2020, 12:12

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