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Thread started by dogsoldier007

Leo O'Connor
Waited 40+ years to get a model of this as actually sat in one in the late sixties at an Army open day in Birkenhead, what a day for a 6 year old!,,,,
Alvis Stalwart 6x6 FV622 HMLC Mk-2
Accurate Armour 1:35
K160 2004 New parts
20 December 2013, 11:40
Leo O'Connor Author
Anyone who likes British Armour has to get this kit at any price. Such a beautiful design, a real icon for all it's faults...
 20 December 2013, 11:43
Matthias Weiss
Oh beautiful! Wow, you waited even longer for that kit than a East German for his car... 🙂

How much does that thing kost, 100 EUR + I guess.
 20 December 2013, 11:56
Leo O'Connor Author
? Very funny man and yup it costs around ?110, which is a lot but I had to have it when I found it, I think up you know what I mean. To actually sit in one aged 6 was an experience I have never forgotten...cheers Matthias. Are you in Germany or what was the GDR of old ?
 20 December 2013, 12:06
Leo O'Connor Author
Can't get Emoticons to appear via my IPAD , lovely piece of kit but limited compared to a PC.
 20 December 2013, 12:09
Maarten Kruizenga
how tall were you compared to the wheels at the time?
 20 December 2013, 12:33
Matthias Weiss
Hey Leo,

Nope, I'm not in Germany, I'm in China currently.
110 bucks is still OK I think. Never had a Acc. Arm. kit in my hands but from what I have seen on pics they are really master pieces of resin models and for sure worth the money.
And yes, I know what you mean, there are things you just can't get out of your mind until you hold them in your hands....
 20 December 2013, 14:22
Leo O'Connor Author
I think the wheels were at head height, he he .
 21 December 2013, 03:27
Leo O'Connor Author
When I said a real icon for all it's faults I meant the real vehicle not the beautiful kit from Accurate Armour. They have sooooo many kits I would like but money will have to be saved as I am on disability and it's hard to save enough,this will do for now though as it is my fave vehicle of all time. Mostly I love Panzer IV's and III's from Dragon and other good makers and you cannot get better than Tasca for Sherman's . Superb kits those Tasca ones , I have 4 so far and the workmanship is next to non. Recommended above all else for Sherman kits. The Dog's ?
 21 December 2013, 03:34
Leo O'Connor Author
Too true Matthias, you just have to get them...
 21 December 2013, 03:36
Matthias Weiss
Hey Leo, I'm more in Russian tanks and trucks than in Panzer III and IV.
But I like British vehicles as well, I will put a Bedford QL from Italeri on the bench, soon.
Like the extraordinary looking.
 21 December 2013, 15:05

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