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Thread started by Mike_AUT

★ Starfish ★
added a new photoalbum.
58 20 February 2021, 23:26
★ Starfish ★ Author
Full build review video: Youtube Video
 20 February 2021, 23:34
Top build and presentation!
 11 March 2021, 10:01
★ Starfish ★ Author
Vielen Dank!
 11 March 2021, 17:34
Impressive! 👍👏
 2 January 2022, 08:34
Maciej Bellos
 2 January 2022, 08:36
Michael Kohl
Very nice model. I came across your build as I was looking for some experiences of other modellers on the Special Hobby kit. Your build video was very helpful as I was a bit scared of the multipart fuselage assembly. Thanks for sharing, much appreciated.
 5 March 2023, 11:41
★ Starfish ★ Author
@Michael Kohl Vielen Dank für das Feedback, freut mich wenn meine Videos Mal etwas Aufmerksamkeit bekommen 🙂
 5 March 2023, 12:14
"Akktu Stakki" Is that Finnish?
 5 March 2023, 12:26
★ Starfish ★ Author
@Treehugger it's Swedish for "Lone Wolves"
 5 March 2023, 15:56
Mr D
You done an outstanding job on this Model and Dio scene 👌👍
Good work on this one 👍👍
 15 December 2024, 21:36
Another great build Starfish! Congrats👍🏻
 15 December 2024, 21:58
★ Starfish ★ Author
Thank you!
 16 December 2024, 11:48
Hi Treehugger and everyone else, Akktu stakki is actually Sami and translates to "Lone Wolf." It vas use by first squadron (Urban Röd) at the most northern wing (F21) in Sweden, where the indigenous Samis are common. Since first sq flew the didicated photo reconnaissance variat of the 37 Viggen, they normally flew missions alone - and unarmed...
Starfish - really well done, beautiful!
 8 February, 19:29
Lovely build and great video! The color gradient turned our real nice
 8 February, 19:46
★ Starfish ★ Author
Thank you Finn and Colin!
 8 February, 20:45
Thomas Kolb
A lovely Viggen model and a great livery too! Beautifully executed build! Just as an interesting tidbit, the SF 37 and SH 37 often flew recon missions in two-ship combos. The SH 37 with its improved radar could thus guide the SF 37 towards the intended photo target (Soviet ships) even during night or adverse weather conditions. It was a matter of flying in really low above the water surface (10-20 meters). The SH 37 popped up once or twice to get a short radar fix on the target and then the SF 37 zoomed in for the photo run, hopefully without being detected in advance, so that the ship's crew didn't have time to hide various classified objects from the deck.
1  8 February, 23:15

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