Thread started by whiteladder

added a new photoalbum.
142 25 May 2021, 08:10

Hi Daniel,one of these days I will figure out how to upload my paltry offerings to you masters.
25 May 2021, 18:17

Thanks for all your kind comments, its a lot of fun doing this build and the airfix kits is brilliant.
26 May 2021, 17:50

Will you be printing the rest of the ship or are you staying with the turret hehe.
26 May 2021, 17:55

David, I think my wife might have something to say about that🙂, but hey maybe when the kids leave home.
26 May 2021, 17:59

Outstanding and inspirational. Great build gallery. Thanks for sharing Mark. Two 3D printers must be a game-changer?
15 June 2021, 20:51

Hi Gary, because they print using 2 different methods they compliment each other really well. The fda printer is great for larger models, that don't need such high resolution. The sla printer is ideal for small high res items, but is much slower.
15 June 2021, 22:15

Astonishing work, really inspirational and a great depiction of true (and very modern) craftmanship - awesome! 👍👍👍
21 June 2021, 11:22

Good use of 3d printer, not to replace a (Walrus) kit but adding nice parts around for a unique display. Fantastic project!
You should mention the ship name somewhere 😉
21 June 2021, 12:42

Bughunter I have already started making some covers for the foam, in grey acrylic using image transfer paste to put the name on the front. I will post some pics when I get home from work.
21 June 2021, 13:20

Wow, impressive project! 👍
The turret looks stunning. It looks like this project has two main characters 😉
26 December 2021, 08:46

Cheers thanks for commenting, hoping to put on some more updates soon.
26 December 2021, 18:00

This is an excellent project, I really like the combination of different techniques. Thanks for sharing 👍
5 January 2022, 20:13

Very creative. No need to wait for a specific kit to augment a project anymore. Your paint work and weathering is also very good.
14 February 2022, 01:18

I am just blown away by this build. It's amazing! Curious how many hours do you have invested thus far?
8 March 2022, 15:38

Thanks to everyone who has commented, it's very much appreciated.
Alex it's been a lot, but there have been big gaps where I didn't work on it so I'm really not sure. My wife got seriously ill last year, so modelling took a back seat for a while.
8 March 2022, 16:25

Thanks Mark. I would be surprised you are under 1000 hours. Hope your wife is getting better 👍
8 March 2022, 17:45

Alec you are probably right there with 1000!!! Also my wife has made a full recovery, luckily we live within 30 minutes of one of the top Neurological units in the UK and they saved her life.
Cheers Capt Bellinger 👍
8 March 2022, 20:28

Just fantastic😲
It's very difficult to find words that would describe what was seen in an appreciative manner😁
8 March 2022, 20:58

Family is most important. Very good to hear that your wife has fully recovered 👍
This project ist just stunning and the result is as well.
9 March 2022, 08:52

Lovely work space you got
And a very impressive build
I would love to have all your toys
Sad to say if I had them I wouldn't know how to use them
But thanks for sharing
And will look forward to see the rest of the build
9 March 2022, 10:05

I just wanted to add my own great admiration for this Mark. You are obviously a highly skilled modeller. I am interested in seeing the integration of new tech with old tech; as this is similar to my working day to day. And I too am also extremely jealous of your availability of such a clean working habitat! 😜 Kudos to you for completing and showcasing a highly enjoyable and informative album 👏
9 March 2022, 12:14

Just want to say thanks to you all for commenting, it's gratefully recieved.
9 March 2022, 15:35

Beautiful result, it was a joy to follow it along! Definitely one of the top builds so far on this site! 👍👍👍
17 March 2022, 00:56

wow...that is the a floatplane...this dio is special
17 March 2022, 08:03

Just opened my latest copy of Airfix Model World and saw this amazing build featured in the Display Case section. I recognised it immediately and came straight here to double check. Inspirational stuff Mark. 👍
1 May 2022, 06:44

Cheers Gary, haven't got my copy yet, will have to check the shops tomorrow.
1 May 2022, 16:36

@History Maker The White metal trolley is from a company called Neomega, everything else I designed and printed from scratch.
David, Sparky, Robert and Pietro thank you all for commenting its very kind of you to take the time.
18 April 2024, 20:05