Thread started by danboone

added a new photoalbum.
36 11 September 2021, 10:37

Thank you Tini.
I airbrush painted the sub with acrylics but I have a special technique for figures
1)Airbrush a base coat of Tamiya flat white - let dry for 24 hours
2) Use enamel washes or very thinned enamel paints to paint the figures - this allows the paint to flow into the cracks and crevices and also gives highlight and shadows to uniforms. The idea is to go a little light on the finished color, one or two coats is all I use.
3) Paint the highlights as needed when dry. For this I use a combination of acrylics and enamel paints.
4) I paint the faces the same way - Tamiya flat white airbrushed for base coat and then a coat of Tamiya enamel flesh thinned down.
This is a watercolor type technique, you let the very diluted and thinned paint flow. The paint has to be mixed and shaken very well so you get a nice smooth blend.
The weathering and rust are acrylic applied with torn up bits of packing sponge dabbed gently, it takes a little practice but i prefer it to all other ways of painting rust chips.
16 September 2021, 14:41

Thank you, it was a fun build but it hung off the edge of the work bench at times.
17 September 2021, 20:52

Wow. Its amazing to think its only 1/35. The paint and weathering is just superb. Especially the distress and the rusty weathering. Pics 10 & 11 look full scale. The figure painting deserves a mention too, as its brilliant. What an outstanding build...
17 April 2024, 12:24