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Thread started by NateWaz

Nathan Wasylowich
added a new photoalbum.
65 images
BMP-3 bar armour View album, image #1
Test fit of the hull and turret. The hull wasn’t squared so needed rework to fit correctly
1:72 BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (Modelcollect UA72055)
21 18 September 2021, 23:09
Simon Nagorsnik
Interesing project, i got the same in stock- following👁
 1 November 2021, 07:23
Tom B.
That looks like some challenging assembly-work 👍 I guess, soldering is really the best way to give those cage parts some integrity!
 29 May 2022, 10:45
I admire your patience with those fiddely parts. Looking good
 29 May 2022, 13:03
Rui S
Incredible small scale work 👍
 29 May 2022, 16:19
Villiers de Vos
Very nice.
 23 October 2022, 08:15
Nathan Wasylowich Author
Thanks everyone.
 24 October 2022, 03:19
Would love to see this in a small dio
 23 January 2023, 13:57
Nathan Wasylowich Author
I'm actually slowly working on a dio for this
 23 January 2023, 19:51
 23 January 2023, 20:32

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