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Thread started by beenak_crazyman

Dave Beenak
added a new photoalbum.
69 10 October 2021, 07:11
Thomas Bischoff
great scratch building 👍 I assume that this goes into a nice diorama?
 10 October 2021, 08:17
Dave Beenak Author
This will be going into a terrarium. I've got 3 layers of varnish on it. How long it lasts is anyone's guess.
It's an experiment that I thought up....don't know if it has been done before.
 10 October 2021, 09:50
Jan Peters
Great work, and original idea. Look forward to the final result
 10 October 2021, 10:08
Villiers de Vos
Very creative. Great work.
 10 October 2021, 11:39
Guy Rump
Like it! 👍
 10 October 2021, 12:18
David Taylor
 10 October 2021, 14:58
Daniel Klink
Great stuff Mate 👍
 10 October 2021, 15:26
Simon Nagorsnik
Nice rotten design!
I'm shurr that it fits perfectly into your terrarium👍
 10 October 2021, 15:35
 10 October 2021, 17:09
Dave Beenak Author
thanks for the thumbs up....I'm currently in lockdown so finding the plants and moss is proving difficult.
 10 October 2021, 20:26
Looks great to me, a living diorama. I want one 👍
 17 October 2021, 00:35
Jim J
Wonderful. 👍
 17 October 2021, 02:02
Dave Beenak Author
gotta wait until the plants grow a bit and cover the Zero.
 17 October 2021, 02:16
Rui S
Beautifull 👍 as usual
 23 October 2021, 17:53
David Taylor
Hope you will take some pics when the plants grow.
 23 October 2021, 18:50
Robert Podkoński
Cool idea, perfectly executed.
 23 October 2021, 19:46
 23 October 2021, 19:50
Fantastic idea and love your build to
 26 November 2022, 08:58
Guy Rump
Great update, it's starting to look as if it's been there for years.. 👍
 26 November 2022, 09:45
Alex K
Beautiful! (I always wanted to build something like this - not in a terrarium but in a aquarium!) Thumbs up!
 26 November 2022, 15:45
Marcin Dudek
Cool idea for a snowglobe 😁. Grate job 👍
 26 November 2022, 15:53
Dave Beenak Author
Another update. Things are looking almost completely overgrown...!!
 22 December 2023, 10:26
Robert Podkoński
"Life..Huh...finds a way..." Looks really cool now!
 22 December 2023, 10:43
Rui S
Outstanding 👍
 22 December 2023, 23:18
Mr James
Oh that's good. And bloody clever too. Lovely work
 2 March 2024, 07:16
Shar Dipree
Wow, awesome wethering and great damage. Outstanding 👍 👍 👍 👍
 2 March 2024, 07:31
What a great dio, love the weathering and presentation - 12 of 10 - congrats!
 2 March 2024, 07:32
Super cool. 👍👍
 2 March 2024, 08:27
Probably one of the best ideas I have seen
Sofare one of my favourite builds
Even that I am a car guy
 2 March 2024, 08:49
 2 March 2024, 12:00
Dave Beenak Author
Just added 3 more images (off my phone)....... Interesting how this project has evolved over the years. The model Zero has survived well in this wet and natural light environment.
 21 June 2024, 05:01

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